The 7 Reasons Why Men Come Back Months Later

Written ByGregg Michaelsen

Gregg grew up just as many others – in a dysfunctional, but loving family. After going through years of failed relationships, he set out to decode dating for women by interviewing happy couples, unhappy couples, singles looking for ‘the one’ and everyone in between. He combined all of this information into his series of dating advice books for men and women.

You and your boyfriend break up, and he doesn’t care about you until months later, long after you stopped caring about him. Curious isn’t it? Why do men come back months later? There are several reasons for this and here are seven of them!

Why He Left: The Challenge is Gone

Nothing worth having comes without a fight. You’ve heard this phrase before, and oh does it apply to men! The challenge was lost the day you moved in together and became exclusive. The key is to keep the challenge going long after the newness of your relationship wears off.

Be crazy, good crazy, not bat sh*t crazy. Break your routine. Maintain your friendships. Keep your hobbies and join in one of his, but never make him your hobby. This keeps him on his toes.

As part of my ongoing research, I interview couples who’ve been married for forty years or more. When I ask what their secret is, men say, “I felt like I never caught her – I still haven’t!” Women just smile. They know the secret!

why men come back months later

The 7 Reasons Why Men Come Back Months Later

Reason #1 The Grass Wasn’t Greener after All

When you first broke up, he was partying like a rock star but now he’s bored. What a surprise! He realized other women don’t except his flaws like you do. Staying apart from you means he needs to lose weight, make more of his own money and treat people with more respect.

This seems like a lot of work but there’s an easier way, and that is to come back to you.

Reason #2 He’s Testing the Waters

Your ex wants to be single, but he doesn’t want you to be single. If things don’t work out in his singles life, you’re his fall back plan. Don’t allow this to happen!

If he tries to beg his way back into your life, make sure he has a plan accompanied by real action before you take him back, and that’s assuming you’re still single.

Reason #3 Why Men Come Back Months Later | He Wants to Get Laid

You make him feel like he’s the greatest guy out there, so he believes every other woman sould also. Now, he knows he’s dead wrong. He’s having a difficult time getting any sex, let alone good sex. In his mind, you still want to have sex with him, so, months later, he’s texting you again.

why men come back months later

Reason #4 Memories

Memories are tough, which is why it’s important to build as many powerful, fun memories as possible in your relationship. These are pennies in the jar of your relationship. Men come back months later when something reminds them of you – even if they’re dating someone else.

Older couples say they’ve stay together because they have so many wonderful memories together, memories no one else can replace. Be sure to have plenty of memories in your next relationship.

Reason #5 Why They Always Come Back | The Pressure from Friends and Family

Men listen to the important people in their lives because they trust them. When their friends and family start piling on reasons why they shouldn’t have left their ex, it sinks in.

They listen and think about the the memories, sex, and unconditional love they received from you and soon, they want to come home.

Oh the Mysterious Ways of Men!

There's no way for a woman to know intuitively what to expect from a man. That's why I'm here! There are many differences between men and women and this article shows you a few. But there are others. Click the button below to read those articles too!

Reason #6 He’s Ready

Some guys genuinely need a break to think about things. This isn’t a bad thing. Many have issues to fix. I know because I was one of those guys who couldn’t love because I saw my parents fall apart in front of me; I was bitter and confused but I got help.

How do you get over a guy you never really dated?

A healthy male comes back when he realizes he would prefer being with you over being single and hanging out with his friends. That, my friend, can happen in a New York minute if you do the work and become a confident woman.

Reason #7  You’re A Challenge Again!

I saved the best for last because this is the Mount Everest of reasons why men come back months later. Make positive changes in your life. If you need to lose weight, do so, for you. Find a hobby to enjoy. Get passionate about something. Make new positive friends. Have fun!

What does this do? It builds confidence and makes you interesting and attractive because you are happy with new stories to tell and, as a bonus, you look great!

Do you take him back? Hell no! You laugh in his face and flaunt your new guy in his presence. Am I being vindictive? Yeah, maybe.

There you have it – why men come back months later!

Don’t you think you’ve dated enough losers? Isn’t it time to find a great guy to date? Maybe you think you already have!

This book will help you know for sure! You’ll go in-depth on the good and bad qualities to look for in a man so you an know for sure.

End the guessing game and Weed out the Users!

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