1 On 1 Coaching with Gregg

Life & Dating Coach

Start Living Your Dream Life Today


Ask a Question

If you just have a quick relationship question for Gregg, this is the place to ask it. It’s not full coaching, but the opportunity to ask a question and then, if needed, a followup question.

10 Email Package

Does your life, or your relationship feel like one big hot mess? You may need the 10 email package! 

With this package you get 10 emails and a few other goodies!

3 Email Package

Is your issue something you think can be resolved quickly? Maybe you just need a 3-email package!

There are still great benefits, but you’re exchanging fewer emails with Gregg.

Helping You Find Success With Personalized Coaching

Do You Know You Need a Change Somewhere But You’re Not Sure What Changes to Make?

Coaching is a great way to get those questions answered. This system of email coaching guarantees your privacy and an answer that you can look back on and reflect on for days to come.

Whether  you’re looking for relationship advice or help in getting your life back in order, this is a great way to get that help without spending thousands of dollars.


What Is Life/Relationship Coaching?

Get Your Questions Answered

Sometimes, you don’t even know what questions you have when you get started. You just know things aren’t right in some way. That’s why your first step is to complete a questionnaire that gives me an overall assessment of where you are. From there, I can often determine where we need to go.

How Does the Email Count Work?

When it comes to counting emails, we begin counting after the questionnaire is completed and I’ve had time to review it. From there, you get to send the number of emails prescribed in the package you’ve purchased.

How Can You Guarantee My Privacy?

Your privacy is of the utmost importance to me! My email is my own and is secure and private. I don’t share your emails with anyone, nor do I ask anyone else to reply to your email for me. You’re always talking directly to me!

What if I Have More Questions?

If you have more questions after we’ve completed our series of emails, you have a few options. You can purchase another coaching package, or if you think you can wrap it up in one or two questions, you can purchase Ask a Question.

How Do I know If Coaching is Right For Me?

If you feel as if you’re just not finding the answers anywhere else, coaching is probably for you. Finding someone you can trust who has the expertise you need might be the right move for you.

I am passionate about helping women build their confidence and find wondeful, successful relationships! If this is what you need, coaching is for you!

What are Your Qualifications?

I have life coach training from the best resource – my father, who was a life coach during his entire career. Additionally, I am a perpetual student, always reading, always learning. I grew up having this stuff used on me. I have been coaching women now for several years and I learn from you as well!

How Soon After I Purchase Will I Hear From You?

Once your payment is completed, you will be able to download a ZIP (compressed) file containing two things:

  • A free PDF copy of the best-seller, Comfortable in Your Own Shoes
  • A PDF form in which you can type your responses to five very easy preliminary questions

Once you enter your responses into the PDF form, which you can either use with Google Chrome or download to your tablet or computer, you need to save it to your device.

Go into your email program and send your completed questionnaire to me at the email address which will be supplied on the form. Be sure to use the attachment feature of your email program to attach the completed form. If you don’t save the form first, your responses will not come through.

Your coaching begins within a couple hours of Gregg receiving your first form, so the sooner you email it to him, the sooner you will be able to get started!

How Does the Payment Part Work?

Your payment will be processed via my very secure checkout system. You can pay by credit card, Apple Pay or PayPal.

How does the One Question Work?

The One Question works a little differently.

Upon completing your payment, you will receive a downloadable PDF which contains my email and further instructions for you to have your one question answered.

All who purchase the One Question are allowed one follow-up question to clarify anything you don’t understand.

What if You Can't Help Me?

In all the years I’ve been coaching, I have never experienced this. I have always been able to motivate my coaching clients toward positive change, usually beyond their expectations. However, if I truly cannot help you, I will refund your coaching fee.

My Approach

You will find me to be very laid back and many women I coach say they feel like they’re talking to an older brother or a good friend.

While I want to be that advisor and coach, I am not one to come down on someone or belittle and berate.

My approach is to get to the heart of what’s bothering you and what is causing you to keep experiencing relationship frustration.

I do this by asking lots of questions and paying close attention to your responses.

I spend a lot of time crafting my answers, making sure I’ve answered your questions and addressed your concerns.

My goal is for you to feel much better about your life and your potential for happy, successful relationships by the time we’re done!

How It Works

Read the FAQ & Information

Be sure to read everything that’s on this page so you go into your choice well-informed. Many of the questions you might have can be answered in the sections above.

If you still have questions, you can Contact Me.


Choose a Coaching Package

The coaching packages below provide you the information you need to make a decision on which one is best for you. Look above in the other sections for answers to any questions you may have. As always, Contact Me if you still need to ask something.

Live Your Dream Life

Coaching provides you with the opportunity to begin living the life you want and deserve! Once coaching is over, your job is to begin living that dream life you envisioned when you began. You will have an action plan and the steps to take. You’re the only one who can make it all happen!

Ask A Question

If you only have one question to ask, this is a great way to get your answer! Within 24-48 hours (usually sooner) of completing your payment and asking your question, you will have your response!


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3 Email Coaching Package

Get your questions sorted out with the three email package, which includes a FREE copy of my book, Comfortable in Your Own Shoes, a confidence book written just for women. 

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More Details

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10 Email Coaching Package

Really dig in and sort things out with the ten email package which includes a FREE copy of my book, Comfortable in Your Own Shoes, a confidence book written just for women.

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