
How to Build Attraction with Text Messages to a Guy You Like

Build Attraction with Text

Written ByGregg Michaelsen

Gregg grew up just as many others – in a dysfunctional, but loving family. After going through years of failed relationships, he set out to decode dating for women by interviewing happy couples, unhappy couples, singles looking for ‘the one’ and everyone in between. He combined all of this information into his series of dating advice books for men and women.

How to Build Attraction with Text that Keeps Him Hooked

There are rules when texting guys. Learn a guys texting behavior and mindset, and you get the upper hand! Even later in the relationship, you can still learn how to build attraction with text if you follow along with me below.

Destroy Boredom, Shatter All Things Conventional!

You: So, what’s going on with you these days?

Him: Not a lot. Just working, going to school.

I’m going to stop here. I could make that a long text conversation, but I felt repulsed by where it was going. You do know where it’s going right? To the relationship graveyard! It’s going nowhere. There’s nothing in that first comment that did anything to build mystery, challenge or attraction into the relationship

There are two huge mistakes in this short conversation. First, mystery and challenge are simply not created by asking general questions. How was your day? What are you doing right now? What’s the weather like? These types of statements are not attraction makers, they’re attraction killers.

Guess what I’m thinking? Meet us at Ocean Prime Saturday or else!

These are much better. You could even text him a great compliment but then back off. The way you handled yourself with that disabled woman was amazing. This brings out his hero instinct and draws him to you.

Learn a Guys Texting Behavior!

Your goal, when texting a man, is to keep things fun and fresh by using some of the techniques we’re discussing. You can’t do anything fun or fresh with “What are you doing right now?” If a man even bothers to answer this, it’s a cursory response and he rolled his eyes as he was typing. In other words, he responded to be nice, not because he’s actually interested in the conversation.

The second problem with this exchange is that nobody wants to answer a question like that in a text. Even if you have the most easy-to-use handheld on the planet, you’re going to get sick of typing out a response the size of Moby Dick pretty quickly. Keep it simple and stick with precise questions that he can answer without too much trouble.

rules when texting guys

How to Build Attraction with Text – Challenge Him

You want short, fun and challenging interactions. You want to be bold, quirky, funny and direct! Forget the boring stuff and show him your flirty side. There are rules when texting guys. You have time to create a great response. Delaying keeps him chasing.

You: How was traffic into Boston this morning? Still woozy from the CO2 fumes?

Him: Haha! Yep. Sucked in fumes for 2 hours.

There we go! This text is focused and you added in a bit of cheekiness as well. Then, you don’t text him back for period. This shows him how super confident you are!

Stick with the Mysterious, Avoid the Vague!

When it comes to building attraction with text in relationships, staying mysterious is always good. The more you can make him wonder what you’re doing, the better. Mystery is invoked by staying partly aloof. You want him to think you’re busy doing lots of fun things, or maybe seeing other interesting people!

Him: What are we doing this weekend darling?

You: Dance class on Friday night. Wine tasting with Jennifer Sat. Crazy busy! Maybe Sunday, I’ll let you know.

Do you see what happened? This text creates mystery by avoiding some boring comment like “Not sure, what are you doing?” You’re obviously busy, and by the sound of it you’re meeting people who are not him at your dance class. Trust me, he’s going to see you as a serious challenge, adding to the attraction.

guys texting behavior

There are Rules When Texting Guys that Most Women Don’t Know

Responses like these, however, are completely unacceptable:

“Waiting to hear from you.”

“I’m up for anything, what do you want to do?”

“Kind of tired, long week. What’s up?”

Texting responses like these kill your momentum. They make a guy want to go silent instead of engaging. Guys texting behavior is simple to grasp!

Inspire A Man To Chase You With Your Texting!

Men are wired to chase women but one quick way women kill this inclination is with their texting. Men and women communicate very differently. This probably isn’t a newsflash for you. Women text like they talk – in long, descriptive bursts. Men text like they talk – few words, little to no emotion and in their own time, not yours.

Text Him This, Not That clears of a lot of the mystery behind texting men! It will help you not only inspire him to keep chasing you, but it will often get him to respond faster!

Similarly, keep ugly vague words out of your texts. Maybe, kind of, perhaps, sort of – they’re all too vague! Stick to texting language that’s alive and bold, and you’ll become a master in no time. Remember these rules when texting guys and you’ll keep him fixated on you and not other women.

Try these texting strategies to build attraction with text to a guy you like and get results!

Without knowing it, you’re making big texting mistakes when you text men. Lucky for you, I have the solution! Text Him This, Not That takes care of all these blunders and helps you text a guy in a way that makes him want to text you back sooner!

You’ll learn the importance of less is more, how to invite a guy to hang out without really inviting him and tons more! Read more about this great book here or buy it today by clicking one of the links below!

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Top 10 Women’s Dating Blog!

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