How to Text a Guy You Like…And Get a Reply

Knowing how to text a guy you like is a game changer...getting a reply is awesome! You'll learn how to do both here!

What readers say about how to text a guy you like

Awesome! Straightforward advice

Text Him This Not That is one of Gregg Michaelsen’s best books!! He gives women of all ages honest advice on how and what to text to men. Gregg makes you really think about the message you want to send and to take a step back before sending it. He shares examples that may seem more geared towards the younger woman, but older women may see they have made those mistakes too. It’s a great guide for the older woman who may not be comfortable with texting. And, it’s also a great reminder that men and women think very differently and therefore their texting is. But whether in your 20’s or over 50, Gregg’s straightforward advice shows women exactly how to text. Well done Gregg!!

We appreciate you!

Thank you Gregg for all the work you do to educate single women on how men think, communicate and perceive us. I can’t say enough how grateful I am for your guidance. I was married for 28 years and although one would think I knew how to handle men….not even close! After my divorce, I found dating to be scary and somewhat depressing. I knew I needed confidence, so I started educating myself through your books and website. With this confidence and education, I’m dating a fantastic, high quality man! Your guidance has been very valuable and appreciated and I will continue to read everything you write! Thank you Gregg!

Great for any age!

Gregg Michaelsen does NOT dissappoint! This is information that will assist the young, as well as those who are much older and attempting to respond to text they may not be accustomed to. The book is packed full of examples, both good, bad, and indifferent. And, there are reminders throughout the book, that text has no voice, and must be treated with care and consideration for the perceptions of the receiver.

Don't send one more text before you read this!

I wish I’d read this book years ago because I found I was guilty of almost every one of the mistakes that the author warns women against making. He makes suggestions for mastering texting men that are useful and things I wouldn’t think of myself. As the author, himself, writes, “I know this might sound counter-intuitive to a woman but you’re getting advice from a man, so I’m pretty sure it’s me who is right here, not your girlfriends.”

Beyond texting, this book revealed mistakes I make in face-to-face conversation. I discovered that I tend to seek approval which I learned is a relationship killer. Well, no more, I am takeing Gregg’s advice and apologizing to a man only if I have intentionally run over his dog, (and that I will never do).

The main behavior I’m changing is putting in more effort in a relationship than he puts in. I thought that if I did things better and was better for him, he’d want me more. This is so untrue. From now on, I plan to improve myself and do better for me. He’ll earn my attention instead of me finding a way to be worthy of his. After reading this book, I bought a copy for my 23-year-old daughter because I don’t want her to make the same mistakes that I made.


Do you know how to text a guy you like…and get a reply?

All too often, a woman finds a great guy that she wants to date and she gives her power and control to him. This takes away the challenge for a man – it doesn’t allow him to chase you, which he wants to do.

This eGuide helps you understand the differences between men and women and outlines in clear language why it’s important for you not to burst his male ego bubble.

You see, a man who wants you will chase you, and he’ll have fun doing it. As long as he’s having fun and feeling like he’s doing his male thing, he will continue to chase.

Meanwhile, you can smile and know deep down inside that you’re the one pulling the strings.


This eGuide helps you understand why a man is more likely to bring you a pound of your favorite coffee than he is to express his feelings or appreciation in words.

And it helps you understand that, while you might wear your heart on your sleeve, he keeps his very well protected until he’s sure you’re not out to break it.

Men are viewed as the stronger sex many times, but I think it’s the opposite. Learn to use your strength while allowing him to think he’s the one in charge!

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This is why you’re frustrated…How to Text a Guy You Like

When you and your friends text one another, it’s lines and lines of words in one text.

When a man texts you, you’re lucky to get more than three words. You already know this, but you don’t understand why. Not to worry, my beautiful friend, you’re about to be enlightened! You’re about to learn how to text a guy you like!

His short texts and delayed replies make you feel like he is either ignoring you, putting you off, or not taking you seriously. You’re angry and frustrated and you immediately start shooting him texts that let him know your feelings.

What you don’t realize is that the more you bombard him, the more he will ignore you because he doesn’t know how to deal with his own emotions, let alone yours.

How this book will help you Learn How to Text a Guy You Like…

This book bridges the communication gap between men and women. It helps you understand how men text and provides you with tools to learn to text more like his best friends do.

You do this because this is what he understands. When he looks at his phone and sees lines and lines of text, his eyes immediately roll back in his head and he avoids reading, let alone responding, because it’s just too much.

He knows from past experience, that a text like this is full of emotion with very little information he can process and use.

Use this Powerful Tool!

Once you learn how to text a guy you like in a way he understands, you have a powerful weapon at your disposal. You will learn how to:

  • Text him messages he can’t resist
  • Get the response you want out of him without him realizing what just happened (it’s not playing games)
  • Build attraction by keeping him on his toes, instead of boring him with stuff he doesn’t care about
  • Fix the texting blunders most women make
  • Use radio silence to keep him attentive and intrigued
  • Text him a message that will guarantee you a date

This book isn’t about trickery or games. Instead, it’s about understanding how the male mind works and enabling you to send texts that he will find irresistible. It isn’t about sending nude selfies or lude comments; it’s about showing him you’re a confident woman who deserves his attention!

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Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!

You’ve been listening to your girlfriends, your mom and your sisters and where has it gotten you so far?
Failed relationships, frustration and loneliness, right? And you’re sick of it!
I know what men want to hear from you and I tell you what that is!

I’ve survived being the youngest of four kids with three older sisters. Plus, I’ve seen and experienced heartbreak first hand in my own relationships.

I know what I wish my girlfriends would have said and done. I know why it didn’t work because I’ve done the research and now, I’m bringing it to you. It’s okay, I’m here for you!
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