
Why do I Attract Players? Stop Attracting Emotionally Unavailable Men

Weed Out The Users, The Couch Potatoes, And The Losers!

Written ByGregg Michaelsen

Gregg grew up just as many others – in a dysfunctional, but loving family. After going through years of failed relationships, he set out to decode dating for women by interviewing happy couples, unhappy couples, singles looking for ‘the one’ and everyone in between. He combined all of this information into his series of dating advice books for men and women.

WHY do I attract players? You now realize that you snagged another player and are disappointed in yourself and in him. Why does this keep happening? What can you do to attract someone nice for a change?

why do I attract players

Which Men are Players? How Can You Tell?

I think before you learn why you attract players, it’s important to know how to spot them. They’re not as difficult to detect if you know what to look for.

He’s Smooth…Really Smooth

A player has practiced his lines so many times that he has them down to a science. He knows just which lines will work on you and he delivers them with surgical precision.

The guy you want is the nervous guy who bungles his lines. He’s no player, but he’s interested enough in you to take a big risk!

He Listens

He’s chosen you because you look down on your luck and are vulnerable. He will listen to you for hours if he thinks sex might follow. He’ll tell you how much of a schmuck your ex was for letting you go, blah blah. While that might be true, his intentions are not honorable.

He’s Good Looking

Not all good-looking men are players, but nearly all players are good-looking. You would think that good looks would help a guy feel more confident, but it isn’t your looks that determine how confident you are or whether you’re emotionally unavailable.

It has more to do with your past than looks. Combine this with other signals to get a true reading.

He Suggests Sex and Has a Hard Time Taking No for an Answer

A player wants one of three things from you – sex, money, or status. Most often it’s sex, but if you appear to have money or he perceives that your status is higher than his, he may use you for those too.

A player wants to get this from you ASAP, so he’ll ask for sex on a first date. He might hang in for a second date if you don’t give him sex on a first date, but if you turn him down twice, he’ll move on.

As far as money and status go, he may stay in your life longer to continue reaping the benefits. Often, it’s you who’ll need to end things in that case.

He Love-Bombs You

A player will overdo the whole love thing and way too early. From the moment he meets you, he’s showering you with attention and soon after, love, but he doesn’t fall in love, so it’s fake! He also seems too good to be true.

That’s because he is. He’s too good and he’s not being honest with you. He will continue with this until you outlast your usefulness in his life. And make no mistake, he’s with you because you give him something he desires. Usually, that’s sex, money, or advanced status.

He’s There for the Sex but Nothing Else

A player isn’t interested in your day-to-day life unless there’s something in it for him. He’ll show up for sex, but if your cat is sick or you need help with a flat tire, he’s not your guy.

He’ll also show no real emotional attachment to you. He will seem aloof unless you’re talking about sex, or whatever he’s getting from you, then he’s all in.

He’s Not Future-Oriented

There’s no talk of a future with a player. If you try to get him to make a commitment, he’ll change the subject, be suddenly busy, or just leave entirely.

This guy is spending time with you to get something out of it for himself and that’s not a long-term relationship!

He Posts on Social Media – But Not About You

A player will be active on social media, but he won’t include anything about the time you spend together. He doesn’t want to be linked to you in any way.

He has no desire for his friends or family to know who he’s dating because he doesn’t want to answer to them about it. He doesn’t want people to meet you or for you to get into his life any more than necessary.

Your Relationship is Hot, then Cold, then Hot…

He’s either 100% into you or he’s nowhere to be found. One minute he makes you feel like you’re his one and only, then he doesn’t call or text for days.

This hot and cold is due to whether he needs something from you. Cold periods are probably due to him being with other women, or at least hunting for them. He always needs a backup because he knows he won’t stay with you for long.

Any Photos of You are on Snapchat

Photos on Snapchat are safe because they disappear after a while. Anything he does post about you will be there.

If he asks you to only post about him on Snapchat, it’s a sure thing that he’s a player.

why do I attract players

Why do I Attract Players?

Now that you know how to detect a player, let’s examine why you attract them. Don’t worry, it’s fixable!

Look at Your Relationship Role Models

How you were raised has an impact on all of the areas of your life, but for some reason, people often ignore the effect it has on your ability to experience happy relationships.

If your parents were in an unhealthy relationship, even if they stayed together for 75 years, that’s what you’re comfortable with. I’m not saying your dad was a player. I’m just saying you don’t have an example of a healthy relationship as your basis.

Players are emotionally unavailable men. They lack confidence and gain pleasure from toying with the emotions of unsuspecting women.

They prey upon women who appear to have low confidence because a confident woman won’t fall for their games and would challenge them too much.

So the cue in those definitions as it may relate to your parents is if one or both of them were emotionally unavailable. It may seem as if your parents lacked an emotional connection to one another, or one was less available emotionally than the other.

That’s what’s comfortable for you. It’s familiar. It’s what you know.

You Were Raised by Someone Who was Emotionally Unavailable

This might sound like the last one, but we can take it in a different direction. If you were raised by someone who was emotionally unavailable, you might be trying to subconsciously fix that relationship. You repeat the dynamic, hoping for a different outcome.

When someone who’s emotionally unavailable raises children, those children often believe they don’t deserve love because the one person who should have given it to them didn’t. The child is left thinking they did something wrong.

Finally, if you were raised in this type of environment, you may think nobody can meet your needs. You’re too difficult to love. It’s different from believing you don’t deserve love, but the result is the same.

The Story of James

James is an emotionally unavailable man. He believes he’s too difficult to love and will outwardly tell women that. But his belief is founded in a lie. He thinks he wants to live a more alternative lifestyle, thus making him harder to love.

The truth is that James is using this desire for an alternative lifestyle to keep women away. If he’s difficult to love, he doesn’t need to invest in anyone because they’ll never fill the bill.

Heaven help the woman who tries to prove to him that he is lovable.

The end result is that he’ll just drag his feet in advancing the relationship. He’s paralyzed at the thought of needing to build an intimate relationship and he stalls out. Any girlfriends he finds finally give up, sad and disappointed, not fully understanding why he is the way he is.

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You are also Emotionally Unavailable

Likes attract likes, so if you’re drawing in emotionally unavailable men, it’s possible that those men are a perfect fit for you because you too are emotionally unavailable.

By attracting someone who is also emotionally unavailable, you’re in no danger of making a commitment. It’s safe.

This again goes back to being raised by someone who was also emotionally unavailable. It’s what you know. Being emotionally unavailable fits like a glove and is comfortable.

It’s also possible you fear you’ll lose your identity in a relationship. If you had one parent who was overbearing, you might fear getting sucked into the same type of relationship. If you stay unavailable emotionally, you have nothing to worry about.

Why do I Attract Players? You Don’t Recognize the Pattern

People tend to keep seeking out the same type of person, even though relationship after relationship with that type of person has failed.

As humans, we tend to blame the problem on the other person, but if you take a mathematical approach, it comes to this – there is one common element in your failed relationships, and that’s you. While one person is never responsible solely for a breakup, you need to take ownership here.

Again, sometimes it boils down to doing what’s familiar and comfortable.

You are attracting these men into your life for a reason.

Above, I said likes attract likes. This is true of our friendships and our relationships. I also said above that players are emotionally unavailable, and they lack confidence.

Let’s revisit that for a moment.

Players seem to be confident men, and they are, but only in their ability to win over another low-confidence woman. Their confidence in their ability to enjoy a good relationship is zero. The confidence a player has in his ability to love and be loved is zero. His confidence in his ability to be a good man is zero.

He’s only confident as a player because he has a lot of practice. He’s preyed upon dozens of women before you and he’s a scientist. He knows what works and what doesn’t. He fine-tunes what works and ditches what doesn’t.

But the bottom line here is your patterns. These men are attracted to low-confidence women. That’s the pattern.

You’re Afraid of Change

To date a different type of guy, or to change who you are is scary. Change is always scary. You date the same type of man because he’s familiar to you. To date a different type of man means he will want to do different things, talk about different things, and go to different places.

Oh boy!

And yet it’s in change that we find growth. When you allow yourself to change, you become more confident because you experience new and different things. You find new people and enjoy new types of activities.

It’s in changing that we find our true selves. You try something and if you don’t like it, you try something else. This takes courage because you need to begin changing before you have the confidence to do so.

The first steps of change, therefore, require you to be bold and brave. Overcome the fear of change and go for it. One day, you’ll wake up with the energy to do this, or the drive, and at that point, you have to charge ahead!

Once you do, even if you don’t succeed at whatever you did, you’ll feel a bit more confident because you overcame a fear. Now try it again with a new fear. Explore new heights, literally if you’re afraid of heights. Say hello to a stranger if that’s a fear. Take small steps first and you’ll find the courage to take bigger steps later.

Why do I Attract Players? This is the Phase of Life You’re In

It’s possible that you are in a phase when you’ve decided to throw caution to the wind and life on the wild side. The bad boy is attractive to you because of his inherent badness.

Of course, the obvious risk of this behavior is that you’re going to get hurt, at least emotionally. There are physical risks too, depending on how bad your boy is.

It’s fine to experience this phase of life, and it’s usually reserved for younger people. As you get older, the desire to settle down and stop living life on the wild side wanes.

If it doesn’t, it’s time to take a look again at your confidence and maturity.

The True Answer to Why do I Attract Players… How Does a Player Know Who to go After?

The truth has been stated already, but let’s sum it up here.

You attract players because they see you as vulnerable to their ploys.

When a player walks into a bar or another venue, he scans the room to see who he can prey upon. Which women lack confidence? Which women look sad and vulnerable?

The player is looking for women who have low confidence and low self-esteem. Here’s what they’re looking for.

Your Body Language

One big signal of low confidence is not being able to make eye contact. If a guy looks around the room and sees a woman whose gaze is fixed on the floor instead of those around her, she’s immediately interesting.

But looking down at the floor isn’t the only way to avoid eye contact. Some women use their hair to hide their eyes by allowing bangs to be long or to fall past their eyes.

Poor posture is another clue. Our mothers always told us to use good posture, but I doubt they knew why. Good posture, or keeping your shoulders back and not slouching is a sign of good posture. So players are also looking for slouchers.

A woman who isn’t smiling can be perceived as having low confidence too. When you smile, you’re perceived as being friendly and approachable. Smiles are a great way of giving people permission to come talk to you, and that’s a confident move.

Standing with your arms crossed is a very closed body language. It makes you look very unapproachable and signals low confidence. You don’t want someone to walk up to you and strike up a conversation.

Touching yourself is also a self-conscious move. Women will tuck their hair behind their ears or fidget with their clothing when they’re nervous, so that’s another signal to a player that you’re safe to approach.

The final cue that I’ll share today is your handshake. Always use a strong handshake. Don’t break their hand but be firm and not wishy-washy when you shake someone’s hand. This sends a signal of strength.

Social Withdrawal

Your friends have dragged you out for a girls’ night, but you feel uncomfortable and it shows. One way a player will see it is when you’re with your friends, but not with them. You’re there physically, but they seem to be having fun without you.

This is social withdrawal and it’s a screaming sign of low confidence for a player. He sees you looking like you want to be anywhere else, so he’s going to swoop in, drill down quickly to your vulnerability and pounce like a cat. He’ll say all the right things and listen to your woes. What guy listens to a woman he just met?

A player.

Your Outward Appearance

Aside from your eyes and your slouching, what you’re wearing or how you’re wearing it also speaks volumes. This can go one of two ways. Either you’re dressed in something that barely covers any part of your body or your clothing is frumpy and ill-fitting. You look like you shopped in your grandmother’s closet and she’s two sizes bigger.

Many women feel that if they dress so their breasts and butt are nearly hanging out that they’ll garner the attention of men, and they will, but not the men they want. A great man sees this as a woman who believes she has nothing to offer except her body and he won’t come near her.

The player, however, is looking for sex and your attire tells him you’ll give him what he wants.

Men are visual, but they also love mystery, so if you really want to be sexy, wear something that shows your assets without showing your assets. A top that’s clingy but not low-cut gives him some idea of your body. A pencil skirt or nice-fitting jeans also give him a visual to work with, without showing him everything.

You Look Unkempt

Confident people take care of themselves. They wash their hair regularly, take care of their bodies and take pride in their appearance. This doesn’t mean you pile on tons of makeup, because that’s just another way to hide. But it does mean that when you go out, you show that you respect yourself enough to take pride in your appearance.

I get going to the grocery store to grab a carton of eggs and milk in your sweats, but if you’re going out with friends, at least put on something that says, “I take pride in my appearance.”

That’s a Wrap!

Why do I attract players? The answer is detailed for you above, but let’s summarize. You attract players because your confidence and self-esteem are lower than they should be to attract great men.

Players read your body language and zero in on you, playing on what they see as your weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

The way to stop attracting players is to improve your confidence, and you can learn more about that here.

Don’t you think you’ve dated enough losers? Isn’t it time to find a great guy to date? Maybe you think you already have!

This book will help you know for sure! You’ll go in-depth on the good and bad qualities to look for in a man so you an know for sure.

End the guessing game and Weed out the Users!

Life Plan Tip: Assess Your Current Situation

Now that you understand your vision and goals, it’s time to assess your current situation. First, take a deep dive into where you stand right now. Then, evaluate both your personal and professional life. What’s working well? What areas need improvement? 

Reflect on your past achievements. Celebrating the goals you’ve met can provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to keep pushing forward. Identify what you did right and the strategies that led to your success. Conversely, acknowledge what held you back from achieving other goals and what you might need to change. 

Next, assess the resources and tools you currently have at your disposal. Do you have a strong support system, either personally or professionally? If not, consider establishing one. Having people you can rely on for advice, help, and encouragement is invaluable. 

This is where having a personal growth coach can help.

Communication also plays a critical role in assessing your situation. Ask open-ended questions to gather more information about areas you need to improve. Improving your communication skills—like paying attention to your tone of voice, making eye contact, and actively listening—can significantly affect how you interact with others and achieve your goals. 

Don’t forget the practical side of things. Using a work management tool as your central source of truth can help you monitor your progress consistently. With everything in one place, you’ll be better equipped to track your achievements and identify areas where you might be falling behind.

By thoroughly assessing your current situation, you’ll have a clear understanding of where you stand. This foundational step will ensure that your life plan is both realistic and achievable.

Identifying Key Areas of Your Life

Identifying key areas of your life is an important step in creating a well-rounded life plan. To do this,  look at different areas of your life and determine which are most important to you. Common areas include:

  • Career: Consider where you are now and where you want to be. What milestones do you want to achieve?
  • Health: Focus on both physical and mental well-being. What health goals will help you live a longer, happier life?
  • Relationships: Reflect on the quality of your relationships with family, friends, and significant others. How can you strengthen them?
  • Personal Development: Think about the skills and knowledge you want to acquire. What are your passions and interests?
  • Finance: Evaluate your current financial situation and set goals for managing your money better.
  • Recreation: Identify hobbies and activities that bring you joy. How can you incorporate more leisure time into your life?

By breaking down your life into these key categories, you can create specific and actionable goals for each. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is not to overwhelm you but to give you a holistic view of your aspirations.

You won’t work on every area at once, but will focus on the most important areas first. Those are usually the areas that will have a positive impact on other areas. For example, getting your financial house in order will have a positive impact on your ability to enjoy hobbies, travel, buy your dream home or car, and more.

Setting SMARTER Goals

Many people have learned the fundamentals of SMART goals, which you read about above, but I encourage you to set SMARTER goals. This means adding two key elements: Evaluated and Revised.

Evaluated: Regularly assess your progress toward each goal. This doesn’t just give you a clear picture of how far you’ve come, but also lets you quickly spot any setbacks. Ask yourself questions like, “What milestones have I reached?”, “What challenges have I faced?”, and “Am I on track to achieve my goal within the set timeframe?”

Revised: Your goals should never be set in stone. Life is dynamic, and your goals should be flexible enough to adapt to new circumstances. Maybe you’ve discovered a more efficient way to reach your goal, or perhaps external factors have changed your timeline. Be open to making adjustments as needed to stay on course.

Consider this example: Suppose your goal is to run a marathon. Here’s how you can make it SMARTER:

  • Specific: Complete a marathon race.
  • Measurable: Track your progress using a running app.
  • Achievable: Train progressively, starting with short runs and increasing the distance over time.
  • Relevant: Align this goal with your broader aim of improving overall fitness and health.
  • Timely: Set a target date for the marathon, such as six months from now.
  • Evaluated: Check your progress weekly to see how your training is going.
  • Revised: Adjust your training plan if you encounter injuries or need more time to prepare.

Adopting the SMARTER framework in your goal-setting strategy ensures that your life plan remains relevant, realistic, and achievable. It also provides a structured yet flexible approach to personal development, giving you the best chance of success in all your endeavors.

Top 10 Women’s Dating Blog!

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Life Plan Tip: Create Actionable Steps

Breaking down your goals into manageable, actionable steps makes a world of difference. Take each of your SMARTER goals and map the steps needed to accomplish them. Imagine you’re drawing a roadmap; each action is a milestone leading you closer to your destination.

For example, if your goal is to run a marathon by the end of the year, your actionable steps might include:

  • Researching marathon training programs
  • Creating a weekly running schedule
  • Registering for a local marathon
  • Joining a running group for support and motivation

Each step should be clear and concise, making it easier to follow through. Writing these down not only clarifies the path forward but also serves as a motivational tool. There’s something satisfying about crossing items off your list!

Additionally, consider leveraging a work management tool to keep track of your progress. Apps or a calendar can keep you organized and provides a sense of accountability as you see your progress over time.

Remember, the reason for actionable steps is to reduce overwhelm. By breaking down your goals into smaller tasks, you transform intimidating objectives into achievable, motivating milestones.

Organizing tasks by their importance and urgency can be an effective method of categorizing your to-do list. Many people set a top three list for each day to help them stay on task.

Once you’ve categorized your activities, incorporate them into your daily routine. A calendar or app might help you track progress and adjust priorities as needed. Some tools come with features that allow you to set deadlines, assign tasks, and monitor completion rates, all of which are essential to maintaining focus and momentum.

Try a few to see which one works for you. New apps are coming out all of the time. Or if you’re the creative type, try a bullet journal.

Remember to balance your workload. While it’s tempting to tackle high-priority tasks first, mixing in some less urgent tasks prevents burnout. For example, after a challenging project, switch to a lighter task to give yourself a mental break. This way, you sustain productivity and stay engaged and motivated.

Establishing a Timeline

Creating a timeline is essential for turning your goals into reality. To do this, you’ll set a deadline for each of your goals, which helps maintain momentum and accountability. A well-defined timeline offers a clear picture of what needs to be accomplished and by when, making it easier to stay on track.

Here’s how you can establish a timeline for your life plan:

  1. Break Down Goals: Divide your larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This makes it less overwhelming and offers frequent opportunities for progress checks.
  2. Set Deadlines: Assign a specific deadline to each task. Ensure these deadlines are realistic to avoid unnecessary stress. For instance, if you want to improve your communication skills, you might set a three-month deadline to complete a workshop.
  3. Utilize Tools: Use calendars, planners, or digital tools to visualize your timeline. This might include setting reminders or milestones to regularly assess your progress.
  4. Review and Adjust: Periodically review your timeline to ensure it’s still relevant. Life is unpredictable, so be flexible and willing to adjust your deadlines if necessary.

Establishing a timeline gives you a structured plan to follow, enabling you to move forward with confidence and clarity. Stay proactive and keep your end goal in sight, and you’ll be well on your way to success!

Life Plan Tip: Building a Support System

Having a robust support system is crucial when creating a life plan you can follow. This network of people can provide you with encouragement, advice, and accountability, which are essential for staying on track and achieving your goals. Whether you’re working solo or as part of a team, the right support system can make all the difference in your success.

Who should be in your support system? Start with those who are closest to you. Family members, friends, mentors, and colleagues can offer invaluable perspectives and motivation. Additionally, consider joining groups or communities related to your goals—whether they’re professional organizations, local clubs, or online forums. These groups can introduce you to like-minded individuals who share similar dreams and challenges.

How a Personal Growth Coach can Transform Your Life 

One practical strategy is to improve your communication skills to foster stronger support relationships. Pay attention to your tone of voice, make eye contact when speaking, and actively listen to others. Techniques such as paraphrasing and displaying empathy can significantly enhance the quality of your interactions, making your support system more effective.

Finally, don’t forget the importance of regular check-ins. Monitor your progress and share updates with your support system. This keeps everyone informed and engaged, and offers a consistent measure of accountability. It’s also a great way to celebrate small wins, receive constructive feedback, and adjust your plan as needed.

Remember, building a support system is not a one-time task. It requires ongoing effort and nurturing. But the rewards—a network of people who are invested in your success—are absolutely worth it.

life plan

How do Successful People Maintain Their Life Plan?

It can be frustrating to try and try to get close to your life plan, all the while watching other people achieve and maintain theirs. What are their secrets?

The good news is they follow the steps outlined above. They set actionable, achievable goals, which they break down into smaller manageable tasks. Then, they track their progress and make the necessary adjustments.

The next strategy is one in which some folks stumble – self-discipline. Successful people prioritize their tasks and stick with their schedules, regardless of distractions or setbacks. By exercising self-discipline, successful people stay focused on their goals and consistently work toward their goals.

By regularly reviewing and adjusting their plan, they can assess their progress and determine what is and isn’t working. A great goal-setting strategy involves these regular assessments and adjustments to stay on track.

One strategy that is key in achieving a life plan is accountability. Successful people share their goals with people they trust, like friends, mentors, or coaches who provide support, encouragement and constructive feedback. By having accountability in place, they stay motivated and motivated.

One step that often is cast aside is self-care and establishing a balance in your life. While marching toward your goals without stopping seems like the best course, a successful person knows the importance of self-care. Maintaining good physical and mental health enables you to manage stress effectively, stay sharp, and follow through on the life plan they have in place.

And the last thing successful people do is cultivate a growth mindset. Rather than viewing challenges and obstacles as setbacks, they see them as opportunities to learn and grow. By adopting this positive attitude, they’re more resilient and persistent in the face of those obstacles and able to continue striding toward their life plan.

Common Obstacles to Sticking to Your Life Plan

One common obstacle to your life plan is not setting clear and achievable goals. They’re too vague, overly ambitious, and have no way to measure progress.

If the goal is too ambitious or if it isn’t something you really want, you aren’t motivated, which is a huge obstacle. By setting SMARTER goals, you can overcome this.

Another obstacle is not having a structured routine. For me, not planning my week makes me feel unfocused. I fall behind on my goals and everything just feels loose and unsettled.

Create balance between work and relaxation and schedule time for self-care.

If you’re facing a task you don’t like or that feels too difficult, you’ll procrastinate. It’ll derail your life plan before you get started. Instead, develop strategies to battle procrastination, like breaking the task into smaller tasks and setting deadlines.

Sometimes, life gets in the way. Health issues, family emergencies and job loss make you feel dejected. Build flexibility into your plans and know you may need to alter your plans to accommodate for challenges.

If you battle stress and anxiety, you may struggle to stick to your life plan. By prioritizing self-care and seeking professional, you can manage these obstacles.

Sometimes, a financial restriction gets in your way. Furthering your education, starting a new business or joining a gym can be difficult if your finances are tight.

Evaluate your budget and trim or eliminate expenses to fit these things in. Explore funding options for your goals. In some cases, an employer will pay for you to advance your education if it benefits them too.

And finally, as mentioned previously, a lack of self-discipline can derail your life plan. Build your self-discipline by starting small. Take small, consistent actions and reward yourself for hitting those small milestones.

How to Track Your Life Plan Progress

One great way to track your progress is by using a journal or diary. Use this to reflect on your achievements or areas in which you need to adjust. This more personal and introspective approach helps you focus without judgment.

You can also use digital tools. There are too many to name, each with specific tools that will help you with your specific goals. Set up notifications and be sure to use date due features to remind you of where you should be focusing your attention.

Another tool some prefer to use is a spreadsheet. These enable you to create timelines, milestones and easily track metrics. You can update progress and have a visual representation of how well you’re doing.

A more creative tool is mind mapping, which will help you visualize your goal and map out the tasks. If you’re a creative person or someone who’s visual, this is a great way to work through things.

Regardless of which tool you use, regular assessments and reflection will help you stay on track. The key is setting aside time to make those assessments and evaluate where you are, what obstacles you are facing or may face in the future and how to hurdle over them successfully.

The more you do this, the easier it will be and the better you’ll become at doing it. If you find yourself behind, don’t be discouraged. Simply adjust your timeline to one that meets you where you are.

And Speaking of Adjusting…

You’ve read a few times now about adjusting, but what does it mean?

Regardless of what tools you choose, a regular assessment will help you stay on track. If you’re journaling, it’s helpful to go back through your journal after a month and look for key phrases or moods.

For example, if you find yourself writing about being frustrated whenever you’re performing a certain task, consider how you can make that task less frustrating. Do you need to learn something new? Do you need to slow down? Do you need help from someone?

Making the appropriate adjustments will eliminate frustration and help you get back on track.

Another adjustment you can make is breaking the task down into smaller tasks. Get a degree is a very vague and daunting goal but Take a 100-level math class is something you can focus on. It’s targeted and easy to assess. If that still feels daunting, break it down into smaller tasks like Sign up for a 100-level math class – Buy the required books – Attend class regularly, and so on.

Some life goals will make such a huge change in your life that they feel overwhelming. Break them down so they feel less so.

Also, be flexible. Things don’t always work out like you plan but when you’re flexible, you allow for adjustments in the timeline or tasks to be done.

And finally, be nice to yourself. Beating yourself up because you got a C on a test won’t help you do better on the next one. Review the questions you got wrong and learn how to get the right answers. Visit office hours and ask the professor for help. Seek tutoring for classes that are extra hard.

Wrapping Up Your Life Plan

As you reach the end of creating your life plan, it’s essential to take a moment to reflect on the journey so far. You’ve identified your vision, set SMARTER goals, and crafted actionable steps. You’ve learned to prioritize, establish timelines, and build a support system. Now, let’s address how to bring all these elements to a cohesive conclusion.

Celebrate Your Initial Wins: Don’t underestimate the power of small victories. Recognizing and celebrating these milestones keeps you motivated and reinforces positive behavior.

Review and Reflect: Regularly review your life plan to evaluate your progress. Ask yourself what strategies worked, what didn’t, and why. This reflective practice ensures you’re consistently learning and adapting.

Make Necessary Adjustments: Life is unpredictable, and rigidity can hinder your progress. Be flexible and willing to modify your life plan as circumstances change. Reevaluate your goals and timelines periodically to make sure they still align with your vision.

Stay Accountable: Share your goals with a trusted friend, mentor, or coach. Establishing accountability helps you stay committed and can provide you with valuable feedback and encouragement.

Track Your Progress: Utilize a work management tool to keep your goals and progress in one place. Consistent monitoring not only keeps you on track but also highlights areas needing attention or adjustment.

Maintain Balance: Achieving your goals is important, but so is maintaining a balanced life. Regularly check in on different areas of your life to ensure you’re not neglecting any aspect in pursuit of another.

Wrapping up your life plan doesn’t mean the work is over. It’s a dynamic, evolving process requiring continuous dedication. But with a solid foundation, clear goals, and the right mindset, you’re well on your way to creating the fulfilling life you envision.

The first confidence building book for women and a best-seller, Comfortable in Your Own Shoes will prepare you to meet great men and enjoy a happy and fulfilling life. And not just any life, but a life you design for yourself. YOUR life your way! 

Are you ready to start planning that great life? Click below to get started today! There’s no time like now to live your life on your terms!

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