Long Distance Relationship Activities

long distance relationship activities

Written ByGregg Michaelsen

Gregg grew up just as many others – in a dysfunctional, but loving family. After going through years of failed relationships, he set out to decode dating for women by interviewing happy couples, unhappy couples, singles looking for ‘the one’ and everyone in between. He combined all of this information into his series of dating advice books for men and women.

Long distance relationship activities help keep you connected and building intimacy when you can’t be together. At first glance, it might seem as if there aren’t many things you can do to stay close while you’re separated by many miles. Let’s dig in!

long distance relationship activities

Long Distance Relationship Activities for Date Night

I’m a firm believer in date nights. They give you and your partner the opportunity to spend time alone together, whether it’s at home watching a movie or out on the town.

But how can you have a date night if you’re in a long-distance relationship?

Romantic Dinner Date

This isn’t about getting into your sweats after work, doing a zoom call and eating some take out. Instead, you can order one of those meals to go from one of the many places that have popped up online. Get everything heated up and ready to enjoy.

Set the scene with a beautifully set table. Bonus points if you both have the same dinnerware. Light some candles and put on your fanciest attire. This date is about feeling special.

My recommendation for these dates is to have a no technology rule, but clearly that won’t work in this situation, so limit your technology to what’s required to connect – an iPad or your phones.

Then you treat this like any other date. Talk about your week. Make plans for the next time you see one another or reminisce about a recent time when you were together.

Cooking Dinner Date

This one is a little different than the romantic date. This time, you agree on a recipe and gather your ingredients, each in your respective homes. Make sure you’ve set a nice table and that you have everything you need to cook your delicious meal.

Then you cook together. Laugh, share your goofs and spills. Enjoy this time together as if you were cooking side by side.

Once you each have your meal prepared, sit down to enjoy. I wouldn’t force nice clothes on this one unless you give one another time to change so you don’t mess them up while cooking.

If you love to cook together, this is a great way to share some quality time.

Dinner Out

I know, you live in different cities, but unless you’re new to this, I bet you have favorite places in both cities where you like to eat. You each go to a favorite place, making sure you have headphones and your phone so you can disturb other guests as little as possible.

Then sit and enjoy your meals together. Treat it like any other date night. You’re just having a conversation the same as the others in the restaurant, except they can’t hear the other side of it.

Video Game Date Night

If you’re both into video games, why not have a video game date night? There are many games where you can play with or against one another.

Alternatively, you can enjoy some fun competition, which all men enjoy. Compete against him to see who can earn more points or get to a certain level first.

There are tons of ways to make a video game date night work!

Book Club Date Night

Many couples enjoy reading books together. Even if you’re dating someone who lives close by, this can be fun.

Choose a topic you’re both interested in and then discuss. The topic can be anything from something racy and wild to something more educational or creative.

If you share a hobby, you might read up on that hobby. If you enjoy mysteries, see who can guess who-dun-it first.

Board Game Date Night

If video games aren’t your thing, why not try a board game night. Make sure you both have the same game and then set it to move one another’s pieces on your board as you play.

Each time you choose this type of date night, you switch who gets to choose the game.

These types of dates are great for building intimacy as there’s a great chance to laugh and poke at one another playfully.

Movie Night Date

Pop some popcorn and get some candy and soda ready for a movie night! Find the same movie online and watch. Sure, you aren’t snuggled up together under the blanket, but you can still enjoy the time together.

Wine Tasting Date Night

If you both enjoy wine, find a company that will send samplers to your door. This way, you can both sample the same wines and share your opinions of them.

It might help to prepare yourselves some appetizers or a charcuterie tray to dull the effects of the wine.

long distance relationship activities

Other Long Distance Relationship Activities

Maybe you don’t want to do a date night. Perhaps you’d rather do something together during the day. Sounds good to me! Let’s find some ideas!

Visit a Local Museum

If you live in a small town, you might have to travel a little bit to find a museum, but if you’re both into art, it’s a great way to spend time together.

On one occasion, you visit a museum near you and the next time you want to do a museum date, visit one nearer to him.

Work on a Hobby

As you may know, I’m a huge proponent of hobbies, and an even bigger fan of having a shared hobby as a couple.

Why not spend some time together on a shared hobby? Let’s imagine he’s into vintage cars and you are a blogger. You can combine your hobbies to create a vintage car blog.

You can even visit vintage car shows, either virtually or physically enjoying them together. This is a great way to share something you both love, and it builds intimacy.

There are many other ways to either share the same hobby or combine two hobbies to make one you enjoy together.

Take a Walk Together

Why not get a little exercise while you spend time together? Go on a walk in your respective cities. Choose a local park or if you have a vibrant downtown, walk there. You can choose an early morning walk during which you can enjoy the sunrise or wait until evening and watch the sunset.

You can even combine this with an activity like a flea market or an antique show, car show, or other event you both enjoy.

Indoor Camping Trip

I don’t think I could send a woman out alone to camp, but I have no problem suggesting that you do an indoor camping trip! If you don’t have a wood fireplace, get one of those little burners you use to keep food hot and toast marshmallows there.

Of course, you can also use your stovetop, but that feels like cheating. Get your sleeping bag, some blankets to make a tent, and even a flashlight and settle in for an evening of camping together.

Play Twenty Questions

If your relationship is new, ask one another questions that will help you get to know one another better.

The depth of these questions will depend on how new your relationship is, of course. The longer you’ve known one another, the more personal your questions can be.

This is a great way to learn more about one another as your relationship grows.

Bake Together

Baking is one of those activities that works, even if you don’t consider yourself to be a great baker. In fact, the goofs will be as much fun as the successful results.

Lucky for you, you’ll only have to clean up your own flour mess!

Plan a Virtual Trip Together

Since most of your travel expenses are saved for visiting one another, why not take a virtual trip? Decide on a destination and then assemble what you need to feel like you’re actually there. What clothing would you wear? What food would you eat? How is the scenery there different from where you are? What music would you hear? What landmarks would you visit? Learn what you can about the places you might go.

Once you’ve both gathered your supplies, it’s time for your trip. Dress in the clothing you would wear and put on the appropriate music. Then, talk about the places you want to visit. Check out photos online and enjoy the local scenery.

This type of date will be as successful as the amount of time you’re willing to put into it. You can extend this activity out over a few phone calls, visiting a different landmark each time.

Are you Counting the Days until you see your guy again? Do you wish for a long distance relationship that felt as if it could go that distance? This book helps you learn ways in which you can make the most of your time apart. You’ll learn new ways to communicate and share time together, even when you’re apart. It’s a great book for helping you find the answers to the probing questions people seem to have no problem asking.

You can learn more about the book here or you can buy it now by clicking one of the buttons below.

Unbox Care Packages

Send one another care packages to arrive at about the same time. The challenge will be waiting until you’re talking together to unbox them!

One by one, reveal what’s inside your boxes. You can set a theme, like baking or a creative hobby, or you can just fill them with the things you both enjoy.

This is fun because you have the added benefit of seeing one another’s faces as you unbox these treasures.

Plan a Late-Night Chat

Remember when you were first dating, and you stayed up half the night talking? Why not plan a late-night chat where you just talk like you did before?

You might want to catch a nap earlier in the day, so you don’t fall asleep on your date. 😊

Sign Up for Subscription Boxes

There are tons of subscription boxes out there these days. Why not sign up for one that you’ll both enjoy? Once both of your boxes arrive, you can do the activity together.

This is a great way to share a hobby or build your skills, not to mention a great way to grow together. If you can’t find one that you’d both enjoy, you can each sign up for one you’ll enjoy and work on them at the same time.

Enjoy a Spa Night (or Day) Together

Fill a tub with tons of great-smelling bubbles or bath salts, put some candles out and get some calming music, then kick off your spa day or night together. Make sure you both have the supplies for a facial and maybe even a way to do a pedicure or manicure.

Relaxing together, even if at a distance, creates a calm and peaceful environment where you can enjoy one another’s company without the pressure of conversation or being ‘on’. Simply relax and enjoy the time.

Next Visit Countdown

If your next visit isn’t for a while, why not create a countdown? You can set up a time to have date nights or activities at specific markers, like a week away, two weeks away, etc. Make some sort of countdown calendar so you can watch the days tick away.

Enjoy a Concert Together

Many performers put their shows online these days, so why not plan to watch a concert for a favorite band or performer?

You can do this for a comedian, a band, or even an orchestra or other type of performance. It’s all out there online now.

Take a Class Together

With sites like Skillshare, Udemy and others out there, you can each take a class online to learn just about anything. This is a great way to learn a hobby or just grow your skills in something you already know.

If you’re wanting to start a business together, there are tons of classes you can take. In fact, I’m sure that if you want to learn it, there’s an online class somewhere to teach it.

Long Distance Relationship Activities Wrap Up

While it’s great to see one another in person, when too many miles separate you, it can be cost prohibitive to spend a lot of time together.

Instead, use these activities to connect in between visits. Many, if not all of these ideas have the potential for you to build intimacy, even if you aren’t physically together.

Twenty years from now, it will be fun to say, “Remember that date when we baked cookies together? Yours were all brown and crispy while mine weren’t cooked enough. That was so much fun!”

Building lasting memories together doesn’t require you to be in one another’s physical space, it just requires you to do something together and with today’s technology, it’s easier than ever.

Don’t wait to see one another in person to build memories. Take time during the week when you’re apart to build some in then too!

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