Build Self Confidence and Enjoy Great Relationships

When you build self confidence by gaining a better understanding of yourself, you win in several ways, not the least of which is great relationships.

What readers say about How to Build Self Confidence

VERY Good Book

Gregg puts things into perspective in a way that allows us to relate to each type of woman/situation.

I’ve discovered that through my selflessness in relationships, I gave up my personal growth. Because of this, I was weighed down by many of the responsibilities and effort in different relationships over the years.

Even though I’m a strong and independent person, but my nurturing nature gravitated toward pleasing them rather than considering my own happiness. Not anymore!

Get the WOW Factor

Great book for any woman who’s struggling to find the right man, but more importantly who’s struggling to find herself.

Be the strong and confident woman you want to be and know you can be! Gregg gives great tips for how to make this happen in your life and how to become a Woman of Worth (WOW!).

He gives you a down-to-earth dose of reality and gives you practical suggestions for changing your approach to life, yourself, and men.


I bumped into this book while searching for books to teach me how to love again after two failed relationship.

I felt that Gregg was talking directly to me. As a result, I’ve learnt how to understand a mans thinking, and how to build myself first before jumping in. Thanks Gregg


Awesome Book

Awesome book… A must read for all woman that need that motivation to keep moving on in life.

I am pretty sure that a lot of us women can identify with both women’s journeys. This book was very well written and very down to earth just like all of Gregg’s books are.

Some of us woman need that extra little kick in the butt to keep us moving forward. So, thank you Gregg for all of your help.

A Little Gift For You to Build Self Confidence

Build self confidence with these 20 confidence tips and skyrocket yourself into a wonderfully confident place!

Since these tips are fun and easy to implement, you’ll become the confident woman men love to date and marry painlessly!

As a result, you’ll walk taller, pursue your dreams and live the life you’ve always wanted, all of which prepare you for meeting the man of your dreams!

You’re not going to find him by hiding behind sunglasses or hair, nor will you find him if you shrink away from everyone due to low self-esteem.

Instead, you will find him by making eye contact, standing tall and proud and walking confidently!

These tips, plus the book, give you all that and more!

women's dating advice

Are You Ready for Love?

This book is a little different, as far as my books go. For this book, I decided to write in a story format.

Consequently, you’ll follow two young women, Megan and Jennifer, as they transition through their lives. One woman understands herself while the other is struggling a little bit.

Most likely, you’ll most likely see a little bit of yourself in both women, and that’s perfectly okay! What you will gain from reading this book are the tools you need to reset your journey to finding a great man.

What You’ll Find Inside

The book chapters go back and forth between the story and explaining what you need to know from that part of the story. The goal is to help you see where you are and where you need to be in order to attract those great men.

There are traits that men look for in women, even if they don’t realize it. Many a rom com has one man saying, at some point, “What do you see in her?” And his friend will ultimately reply, “I don’t know. She had this confidence…”.

What are men looking for?

Great men don’t walk into a venue saying, “Okay where are the confident women?” They walk in looking around to see which women are attractive to them. Confidence is attractive, and often even sexy. So they don’t look for the confidence itself, but how it looks onĀ you.

Being preyed upon by loser after loser simply means your confidence is too low still. You’re not yet attracting the right guy. Inside this book are the tools that will help you understand what great men are looking for and how you can get there!

Follow Megan and Jennifer and decide which one you want to be in the end.

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!

You’ve been listening to your girlfriends, your mom and your sisters and where has it gotten you so far?
Failed relationships, frustration and loneliness, right? And you’re sick of it!
I know what men want to hear from you and I tell you what that is!

I’ve survived being the youngest of four kids with three older sisters. Plus, I’ve seen and experienced heartbreak first hand in my own relationships.

I know what I wish my girlfriends would have said and done. I know why it didn’t work because I’ve done the research and now, I’m bringing it to you. It’s okay, I’m here for you!

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