
What are Men Thinking? Understand the Male Mind Starting Today

What are men thinking? It's an age old question asked by women everywhere. Find the answers here!

What readers say…

My New Favorite Author

I LOVED this book for many reasons!! As women, we are caretakers and nurturers. We are problem solvers and emotional beings. Gregg gets that and US! That is both refreshing and relieving. His book gave me an insight that I hadn’t found yet! Women, you will be astonished.  This book will finally shed light on why you attract men who are players and time wasters. It will change your outlook on how to date and how to relate to men.

A Wake Up Call for Women

I thought I understood men before I read this book. However, I had a failed marriage and other long term relationships that did not last. I always thought it was the guys fault. Clearly, there was nothing wrong with me. Lol. There were some points that Gregg made that made me see where my decision-making in regards to men was flawed.

Life Changer for Women

Wow, as an older woman going through a divorce on the road to healing after discovering I married a Narcissitic Sociopathic Sex Addict, I learned a lot. This book shows me a whole new approach to never falling in that pit of darkness again. It provides such a clear view of men and their world. Truly a roadmap to finding decent worthy male choices. Wish I’d had all this valuable male insight before hooking up with last fiasco.

If Only I'd Read this Years Ago

I was with a man I thought was “the one”. I made almost every mistake that is in this book & we broke up. He recently contacted me and is pursuing me again. I started taking Gregg’s advice and now recognize that even though I am a “keeper”, I was making terrible mistakes because I was doing things my girlfriends would tell me to do. Not anymore! Man Mode!

A Gift for You

In a book like this, you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re reading when you have a companion workbook to guide you through. This book has a great companion workbook that you can download free through a link inside the book! With it, you’ll dig a little deeper into the important topics of the book to expand your learning and apply it to your own circumstances!

what are men thinking

What are Men Thinking?

What are men thinking, Gregg? I hear this question all of the time when I meet up with groups of women in bars and other social events. 

If you’re like most women I meet, you are tired of dating men who don’t call or text back, don’t treat you with respect. They act as if you’re a side item in their life and generally exhibit bad behavior whenever they want.

I understand because those guys make me crazy and they make the rest of us look like a bunch of schmucks. 

The answer is easier than you think

The truth is that you need to learn how to understand men, but from a male point of view. This type of in depth understanding can’t come from another woman. It’s just not possible because decoding the male mind must come from a man.

I want you to have the relationship you crave and I want you to meet a great guy, a guy who will text you back, call when you expect him to and show up for a date with you on time. I want you to meet a guy who will treat you with respect and act like a gentleman.

That’s why you have To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man

You need the right tools in your belt and I’ve got them packed into this best-seller. These tools include:

  • Man Mode – how to communicate and behave like his best buddies do – in a way he understands best
  • The Conveyor Belt to Manhood – the pathway men travel from childhood to adulthood and why some fall off
  • How Men and Women Love in Different Ways – the cues he’s putting out there that you’re missing because you don’t know to look for them
  • The Keeper Criteria – how men determine which girls are okay to take home to Mom and which ones are just for sex until the keeper does show up
  • The 5 Mistakes Most Women Unknowingly Make and how to correct them
  • A whole set of tools designed to help you grow into that Keeper he desires
  • How to know which guys just need to be dumped plus the tools to do so

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!

You’ve been listening to your girlfriends, your mom and your sisters and where has it gotten you so far?
Failed relationships, frustration and loneliness, right? And you’re sick of it!
I know what men want to hear from you and I tell you what that is!

I’ve survived being the youngest of four kids with three older sisters. Plus, I’ve seen and experienced heartbreak first hand in my own relationships.

I know what I wish my girlfriends would have said and done. I know why it didn’t work because I’ve done the research and now, I’m bringing it to you. It’s okay, I’m here for you!

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