What are Men Thinking? Understand the Male Mind Starting Today
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A Gift for You
In a book like this, you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re reading when you have a companion workbook to guide you through. This book has a great companion workbook that you can download free through a link inside the book! With it, you’ll dig a little deeper into the important topics of the book to expand your learning and apply it to your own circumstances!
What are Men Thinking?
What are men thinking, Gregg? I hear this question all of the time when I meet up with groups of women in bars and other social events.
If you’re like most women I meet, you are tired of dating men who don’t call or text back, don’t treat you with respect. They act as if you’re a side item in their life and generally exhibit bad behavior whenever they want.
I understand because those guys make me crazy and they make the rest of us look like a bunch of schmucks.
The answer is easier than you think
The truth is that you need to learn how to understand men, but from a male point of view. This type of in depth understanding can’t come from another woman. It’s just not possible because decoding the male mind must come from a man.
I want you to have the relationship you crave and I want you to meet a great guy, a guy who will text you back, call when you expect him to and show up for a date with you on time. I want you to meet a guy who will treat you with respect and act like a gentleman.
That’s why you have To Date a Man, You Must Understand a Man
You need the right tools in your belt and I’ve got them packed into this best-seller. These tools include:
- Man Mode – how to communicate and behave like his best buddies do – in a way he understands best
- The Conveyor Belt to Manhood – the pathway men travel from childhood to adulthood and why some fall off
- How Men and Women Love in Different Ways – the cues he’s putting out there that you’re missing because you don’t know to look for them
- The Keeper Criteria – how men determine which girls are okay to take home to Mom and which ones are just for sex until the keeper does show up
- The 5 Mistakes Most Women Unknowingly Make and how to correct them
- A whole set of tools designed to help you grow into that Keeper he desires
- How to know which guys just need to be dumped plus the tools to do so
Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!