Online Dating for Women | The Book to Change Your Life

Online Dating for women | What readers say about Love is in the mouse
A Little Online Dating for Women Gift
Online dating for women is so challenging! It’s so hard to know which guys are genuine and which are just trying to get something out of you, like money, sex, or both. With these 7 steps in your back pocket, you can weed out the losers and know which guys are the real deal!
This easy-to-read eGuide gives you quick steps that you can implement today to weed out those losers and focus your energy on the guys who are deserving of a great woman like you! Get your copy inside the book, Love is in the Mouse.

Learn the In’s and Out’s of Online Dating
Online dating seems easy, until you get started and then you instantly become anxious and nervous. Clicking that “Publish” button on your profile brings sweat beads to your forehead and causes you to wring your hands.
Inside this book, you’ll find out why you need to brand yourself, much like big companies do. You’ll also learn how to go about it. Additionally, you’ll uncover why you don’t want to cast a wide net but a narrow one. Discover how to handle the emails and messages you will start receiving, once you’ve followed the book.
This book also contains some myth-busting, advice on how to write your profile and take a great profile photo. Gain insight into the best ways to manage the creepers who will inevitably enter your world with the advice inside.
Chock full of tips, how-to’s and advice, this book gets you online and meeting great men without all that hand-wringing and sweat!

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!