Online Dating for Women | The Book to Change Your Life

Online dating for women is like a big maze you must wind through, just to be stalked by losers and creepers. Discover how to do it right!

Online Dating for women | What readers say about Love is in the mouse

Definitely Worth Reading!

I’m newer to online dating and to say I’ve been frustrated and disappointed is an understatement. This book helped me see what mistakes I unknowingly made on my profile(s)/messages. I learned how to analyze and sort men’s profiles/messages and was reminded NOT to settle for less than I want and deserve. Additionally, I discovered how to prioritize what are make-it/break-it vs what I’m willing to compromise. Now…the work begins!

Big Help!

I guess it’s easier for women when it comes to online dating.

We post a hot picture and we get messages.

But it’s hard to pick out the sincere ones. You stumble a lot.

This book clarified the game and educated me about the culture.

A Lot of Useful Advice

I definitely recommend this book to both beginners in online dating and experienced daters, too. It is well and nicely written. Those books with lines like ‘ugly mistakes women make’ are really intimidating. Wording and respect rule when it comes to ‘tender matters’ like finding love! The book is full of really nice tips which are worthy of revisiting even if you are an experienced dater. You can’t know it all, and common sense is such an uncommon thing today. It’s great to be reminded of it. The book is well-structured and provides good examples, explanations for points made by the author. It even inlcudes some ready-made phrases that can be used in your profile! The price is also great, so the book is definitely worth a read!

LOVE this Book!

I’ve been off the dating scene for a few years and have only a small amount of experience with online dating. Previously, I was lucky enough date guys who were friends with one of my friends, or in an overlapping social circle. Recently, I made a cross country move, and when you’re over 40 it’s harder to meet new people. Gregg’s books are sooo easy and enjoyable to read, while filled with great guidance. Add to that, he’s a great guy himself and will answer you if you send him an email! So don’t hesitate, buy his books!! You’ll be glad you did!!

A Little Online Dating for Women Gift

Online dating for women is so challenging! It’s so hard to know which guys are genuine and which are just trying to get something out of you, like money, sex, or both. With these 7 steps in your back pocket, you can weed out the losers and know which guys are the real deal!

This easy-to-read eGuide gives you quick steps that you can implement today to weed out those losers and focus your energy on the guys who are deserving of a great woman like you! Get your copy inside the book, Love is in the Mouse.

online dating for women

Learn the In’s and Out’s of Online Dating

Online dating seems easy, until you get started and then you instantly become anxious and nervous. Clicking that “Publish” button on your profile brings sweat beads to your forehead and causes you to wring your hands.

Inside this book, you’ll find out why you need to brand yourself, much like big companies do. You’ll also learn how to go about it. Additionally, you’ll uncover why you don’t want to cast a wide net but a narrow one. Discover how to handle the emails and messages you will start receiving, once you’ve followed the book.

This book also contains some myth-busting, advice on how to write your profile and take a great profile photo. Gain insight into the best ways to manage the creepers who will inevitably enter your world with the advice inside.

Chock full of tips, how-to’s and advice, this book gets you online and meeting great men without all that hand-wringing and sweat!

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!

You listen to your girlfriends, your mom and your sisters but where has it gotten you so far?
Failed relationships, frustration and loneliness, right? And you’re sick of it!
I know what men want to hear from you and share it with you!

I’ve survived being the youngest of four kids with three older sisters. Plus, I’ve seen and experienced heartbreak first hand in my own relationships.

I know what I wish my girlfriends would have said and done. And, I know why it didn’t work because I’ve done the research. And now, I’m bringing it to you. It’s okay, I’m here for you!

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