A Little Gift for You | Your Guide to Online Dating for Women!
Online dating for women doesn’t need to be a chore you dread. It should be a fun adventure you embark on as you try to find a great man. Since writing a profile seems to be one of the most dreaded tasks, I created this fun and informative eGuide for you!
I had fun creating this free eGuide for you because sadly, there was plenty of material to choose from.
What’s Inside?
This eGuide contains three types of online dating profiles – the good, the bad and the ugly. These examples show you how to find a good man online by changing up what you write in your profile!
Hopefully, you’ve never written one in the ugly category, but even if you have, you can fix it immediately with the tools inside!
Writing an online dating profile gives people more angst than finding a photo because it’s writing about yourself, which makes people uncomfortable. Then, there’s the what do I say dilemma.
Once you’ve finished prowling through this eGuide, you’ll know exactly what to write and you’ll know just how to find a good man online! And, there are some great examples of profiles here for you to work from.
No more fretting about writing your profile because this eGuide gives you everything you need!

Learn How to Find a Good Man Online
It’s time to have fun looking for a guy! Today, you can clear the fog that surrounds online dating for women!
You’ve tried online dating before and are frustrated with the plethora of losers who contact you. The sleezy guys are out there, but by reading this book, you gain insight about how to attract the great men so those losers won’t bother with you again!
And no more pen pals! Instead, do the work to find the guy who is perfect for you. He wants to date you and he’s waiting for you to get online right now! All you need to do is take the proper steps and you’re all set!
Learn not only how to attract the right guy, but more importantly, how to know who that guy is. Discover what you want out of a relationship before you get online, and the secret of how to find a good man online will be revealed.
Also, uncover the secrets of how men think and how to use this information to your advantage in online dating. And finally, learn the best way to get a great guy offline and dating in person. Unveil the secret to first date success and learn how to screen this new guy to make sure he’s on the up-and-up.
All this and more inside this great new online dating book!

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!