Long Distance Relationship Advice for Couples

Tips and tools for enjoying a successful long-distance relationship

Love this new Gregg Michaelsen Book!!

I love this NEW book by Gregg Michaelsen. He and his books have helped me and my husband so much. There’s so much I didn’t understand and know about men, that I know now. Thanks Gregg!!! This book has great ideas for long-distance relationships, on what to say to your friends and family, activities for long-distance couples, and how to enjoy your time apart. And so much more.

Long Distance Love

My favorite part of this book was the answers to questions about a long distance relationship. It’s so hard not to get defensive when people ask a lot of questions, and Gregg gives some great answers to keep in your back pocket for when people get inquisitive!

Great Book!

Reading this book helped me understand how I can make my long-distance relationship more successful. I can’t wait to try some of the long-distance date night ideas!

Quick Read! Good Tips!

Gregg did a good job breaking down the importance of communication and trust in an LDR. He mentioned some great resources that I think I’ll try. Nice work Gregg!

Some Additional Long Distance Relationship Advice for Free!

It’s not often that I give away a free book these days, but I just knew this one was the best piece of long distance relationship advice I could give you!

The Power to Communicate is an excellent guide on how to improve your communication skills! Communication isn’t only essential in great relationships, but in your life as a whole.

Inside this book, you’ll learn about different communication styles as well as how to get what you want out of a conversation by considering the other person’s point of view.

The Power to Communicate will also help you fine-tune your listening skills. Most people can speak well, few can listen well, but if you’re in a conversation, half of your job is listening.

There’s so much more inside this great book, and it will help you immensely as you navigate your long-distance relationship!


The Long Distance Relationship Advice You’ve Been Waiting For!

Much of the long distance relationship advice out there is lacking a few important things, but don’t worry. Your bases are covered here! Along with learning about communication, which is key, you’ll also learn:

  • How to solve the problem of building intimacy when there are miles between you
  • The “rules” of a long distance relationshp
  • How to enjoy long-distance date nights
  • Great activities to do when you’re together
  • How to enjoy your time apart without going crazy
  • How to transition your relationship to a closer one or know when it’s run its course
  • Great answers to the questions well-meaning people most often ask

There’s so much more inside this book to help you with your relationship! Be sure to click one of the buttons above to get your copy today!

Yes, I’m a guy, but that’s where your source of power comes from! I approach dating from the male perspective, helping you know what men are thinking!

You’ve been listening to your girlfriends, your mom and your sisters and where has it gotten you so far?
Failed relationships, frustration and loneliness, right? And you’re sick of it!
I know what men want to hear from you and I tell you what that is!
I’ve survived being the youngest of four kids with three older sisters, and have seen and experienced heartbreak first hand in my own relationships.
I know what I wish my girlfriends would have said and done and I know why it didn’t work. But, I’ve done the research and now, I’m bringing it to you.
Know that I’m here for you.

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