Little Ways to say I Love You without saying the Words

Little Ways to say I Love You without saying the Words

Tiffany here. Who would have thought three little words could be so huge? You feel it in your heart, but actually saying, “I love you” for the first time can be a tricky situation, and it’s often difficult to know just when the time is right. Say it too soon, and you risk scaring him away. Wait too long, and he may begin to doubt your feelings, and maybe even the relationship. Good news – it doesn’t have to be all or nothing! There are lots of little ways to show your love without ever uttering a word. You can build your emotional bond by letting him know you care through your actions. It’s the little things that count.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Boston dating coach, Gregg Michaelsen tells us men communicate differently than women. While they may not shout their feelings from the rooftop the way we tend to, we need to look closely at the things they do to show us they care. Does he put air in your tires and fill your gas tank before you leave to visit your sister who lives in another state? Does he call and check on you when you have to work late, or bring you your favorite coffee to help you get through a rough day? Does he fix the leg on the antique table your Grandmother gave you, or rub your back when you have a headache? It’s little things like this which prove his love for you. His actions are much more powerful than words. We can do the same with our own little ways to say, “I love you.”

Little Ways To Say I Love You

Keep this list handy for inspiration, and think of your own uniquely sweet ideas which symbolize something special about him, and your relationship.

  • Always kiss him hello
  • Leave little notes on his car windshield or bathroom mirror, or sneak them into his pocket
  • Cook his favorite meal, just for the two of you
  • Bake him cookies – just because
  • Bring him breakfast in bed after a romantic evening together
  • Take the time to get to know, and like, his friends
  • Take the time to bond with his family
  • Text or call him once during the day to let him know you are thinking of him
  • Hold hands whenever you can
  • Watch the Super Bowl with him, even if you hate football
  • Wear that red dress he loves so much
  • Make him a love song playlist, the modern equivalent of a mix tape
  • If you see something he would love, don’t be afraid to get him little surprise gifts to show he was on your mind, and how well you know him
  • Make him a handmade Valentine
  • Laugh at his corny jokes
  • Cut his hair or shave his beard – it’s actually surprisingly intimate!
  • Show appreciation when he does something nice for you
  • Give him the last french fry or bite of dessert
  • Show up with beer, pizza and his favorite movie if he’s had a rough day
  • Listen when he needs to vent
  • Ask him about his day, look him in the eyes, and give him your undivided attention
  • Cheer him on when he needs encouragement, and be supportive, not critical
  • Make a big deal of his accomplishments
  • Try your hand at golf if he loves to play, or a hobby he has a passion for. Who knows, you may develop a new interest!
  • Compliment him
  • Send him a letter if you are away and tell him you miss him
  • You chose him for a reason – don’t try to change him
  • Go with him to boring work functions
  • Ask his advice and respect his opinion
  • Help him with a difficult or tedious task
  • Back him up when someone puts him down
  • Three letters — PDA — because you are proud to be with him
  • Give him a foot massage when you are relaxing on the couch
  • Tell him when he does something you like in bed
  • Always kiss him goodnight

Eventually, if all goes well, one of you will finally say those three little words and mean it! But until that moment, treat him the way you like to be treated, and show him you care through your actions.

If you would like more suggestions on things you can do to strengthen your relationship, check out my book, Pennies in the Jar: How to Keep a Man for Life.

5 Little Hints to Help Him Take Valentine’s Day Seriously

5 Little Hints to Help Him Take Valentine’s Day Seriously

Subtly coaxing him to do what you want on this special day is ALWAYS preferable to nagging.

I know, I know, you wish your guy would just take Valentine’s Day seriously WITHOUT you having to remind him. And God help him if he forgets about it entirely…oh man, he’s in for it!

What if you could get him to take Valentine’s Day seriously without saying a word? Well, if you follow the advice in this blog, it’s definitely possible! These little tips will have him thinking about Valentine’s Day without you saying a word.

Tip #1: Ask your friends what they’re doing for Valentine’s Day over the phone and within hearing distance of your man

For even greater effect, pick up the phone, walk away into the bedroom as if you’re having a private conversation and then start a long conversation about what your friend and her boyfriend are doing. “Oh, he’s taking you out to the Ritz Carlton! All weekend? Holy cow you’re going to have a lot of fun!”

Trust me, he’ll hear this conversation, get really annoyed that you’re jealous of your friend and get to work planning something for you guys too. Unless, of course, he’s extremely lazy, in which case proceed to Tip #2.

Tip #2: “Accidentally” leave some Valentine’s Day-inspired lingerie for him to find

Tell him you’re going out shopping with friends, making sure you come home with a handful of bags from different stores. Set it all on the bed and subtly let your Victoria’s Secret bag fall to its side and inconspicuously show some of that red and white lace.

Set it up as if you just threw the bags down on the bed and one of the bags just happened to “oops” spill its contents. Let it sit there until you know he’s gone in and out of the room. Unless he is a complete idiot, he’ll make the connection to Valentine’s Day and get to work on a plan.

Tip #3: Tell him you have a surprise for him, but do not mention Valentine’s Day

The words Valentine’s Day should not come out of your mouth. Nothing about the date or anything related to it! Just say you have a surprise for him and you’re excited about it. This will either be you in your Valentine’s Day lingerie which he already saw or another gift you have in mind.

Remember, not a word about the day. If he asks you when, be coy about it and tell him soon. If he asks what the occasion is, say “no occasion” and let it slide. If he calls you out on it and mention’s Valentine’s Day, just smile and say “maybe.”

Tip #4: Play the jealousy card

No, I don’t mean go out with other guys for real. Instead, you’ll want to say you’re going out to dinner with a good friend and her friends. Don’t even specify what “her friends” means. If it’s a single friend your guy knows, even better. The goal is to get him thinking about you going out with other people. This will, in turn, get his mind churning over ways to win you over again. He’ll quickly target Valentine’s Day as the perfect time to surprise you with something awesome.

Tip #5: Keep some Valentine’s Day gift ideas up on a minimized internet window on your computer

Ideally this is a computer or tablet that he uses too. You want him to log on, open up the internet browser, and see something like “gift ideas for guys on Valentine’s Day.” If he hasn’t gotten you anything yet, he’ll feel so guilty for not doing so that he’ll buy you something the next day.

Final thoughts

Trust me, men literally shut down when a woman brings up the dreaded V-Day. It makes us feel obligated to buy some flowers and chocolates—something that we think is boring and you won’t care about anyway. But if you’re subtle about it and avoid any mention of it, you can still manage to get his manly jealousy aroused and engaged in trying to woo you. He WILL make your Valentine’s Day a special occasion.

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