Dry Texting-What is He Really Saying with His One-Word Texts?
What the heck is dry texting? It’s when you put together the perfect text, check it twice, and hit send. Two days later you get – “lol.”
I know how much that irritates you because I’m the one who gets the emails asking what the heck is going on!
The sad (for you) truth is that guys do not like to text paragraphs, but if you are getting one word answers while waiting two days, it’s time to dump him for good.
I’m serious. There is no excuse for dry texting. It means one thing – he doesn’t care about you.
But you’ll probably make excuses for him, won’t you? He was at work. We had a great first date…blah, blah. Let’s see if you’re right.
Dry Texting Exceptions
You were Texting Back and Forth, and He Just Quit Replying
This happens. In my best seller Text Him This Not That, you learn how men text their male friends – in short bursts that are to-the-point. Never paragraphs.
Guys get sick of reading paragraphs of texts. They just won’t do it. If I were to text my buddy John a 100 word novel, he would dry text back, “WTF!?”
Texting is just the new way of talking and men are not great communicators for the most part. They communicate best in person, with actions and body language!
So, if he is engaging in long texting conversations, and suddenly dry texts, his male DNA (I just realized I hate communicating with women) might have kicked in! Consider yourself lucky and back off your texting.
Your Guy is Old
Let’s face it, some old guys never got the memo that texting is cool! Yes, they’re out there. I have 65+ readers that are dating men that refuse to have smart phones. There are older guys that have smart phones but have no idea how to use them let alone text properly.
Therefore, women might be getting one word answers because that’s all these guys can muster without throwing the phone into the swimming pool!
He’s Busy
If I’m driving or I’m at work, I rarely reply to texts unless I see they’re really important (someone is ill, injured, etc.) But, I will still text back later, if I care. People do have lives and texting can be an annoyance during the day. In fact, I have a no texting policy for the guys who work for my construction company.
Dry Texting as a Test
For confident women, dry texting is a godsend! It shows you immediately through his actions if he likes you. Use it to your advantage.
Once he gives you a few one-word texts, stop texting completely. You could even give him some shit back before you dump him by texting, “YTSFO” and see what he says, if anything.
When he dry texts back, “?”, you say “Your texting sucks, f**k off!”
It may just put a smile on your face!
But Don’t Shy Guys Dry Text?
In my experience working with shy guys, no. In fact, many shy guys are good texters. Texting becomes a good conduit for them to get around their shyness.
In fact, shy guys are the type that will read an endless text. So if can not help yourself and you are determined to text novels, you might consider putting a shy guy at the top of your dating list.
Dry Texting Summary
I can’t think of a better test at the beginning of a relationship to judge how much a man likes you than dry texting. If you send him, “I have some great news to tell you,” and he responds the next day with a question mark, he doesn’t care to be in a relationship with you.
The reason doesn’t matter because he doesn’t even know you. Therefore, it is not about you, it’s about him so why waste your time?
The key is to date several men, even more than one at a time, so you have choices and options. If you are dating one guy, you may tend to go all in too quickly and allow him to get away with this crap. But if you are able to date multiple men (not sleep with but date), you don’t care as much if one of them dry texts you.
Without knowing it, you’re making big texting mistakes when you text men. Lucky for you, I have the solution! Text Him This, Not That takes care of all these blunders and helps you text a guy in a way that makes him want to text you back sooner!
You’ll learn the importance of less is more, how to invite a guy to hang out without really inviting him and tons more! Read more about this great book here or buy it today by clicking one of the links below!