How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

How to Make a Man Fall in Love with You

You’re here today because you want to learn how to make a man fall in love with you. You’re tired of dating users and losers, and you’re ready to meet a great guy, fall in love and live happily ever after!

Are there certain things you can do to improve your chances of getting your knight to fall for you?

Yes, there are tactics to help in your quest to learn how to make a man fall in love with you.

I call them Night Moves!

No doubt you’re already shaking your head, wondering if I’ve completely gone off the deep end. A book on how to make a man fall in love with me, Gregg?? Really? Come on…


Well, okay, sort of. Night Moves isn’t about how to force someone to fall in love with you. Instead, it gives you every advantage in finding and building attraction with a great guy.

Now, back to the original question. Can you make someone fall in love with you? Yes and no. What you’re going to learn is how to use the science behind attraction to yours.


I know. Stay with me.

The truth is that many things are happening in your body when you first see someone new, things you are unaware of. For example, when a woman spots an attractive man for the first time, her pupils dilate. Who knew?

Now, to be clear, I’m not a proponent of love at first sight. I believe the opposite, which is partly why I’m writing about how to make a guy fall in love with you. The facts don’t lie, so why not give yourself every advantage, scientifically, that you can?

how to make a man fall in love with you

What About Love at First Sight?

Love at first sight is really love at first hindsight. Let’s imagine for a moment you’re in the supermarket. Across the tomato display, you spot him, a true Adonis. You’re nearly speechless. Your heart is fluttery; your knees feel wobbly, and oh my, are you perspiring all of a sudden!?!

All physical responses to not love but attraction. This, my friend, is lust. Let’s suppose your Adonis walks by and crashes into you, knocking your tomatoes onto the ground, busting them up, and making a huge mess.

He doesn’t even stop to say as much as “Uh, sorry.” How’s he lookin’ now? You’re probably ready to deck him, and suddenly, you’re not feeling anything but anger.

Suppose, on the other hand, that same Adonis walked up with a thick Jamaican (insert your favorite accent here) accent. He suavely says, “Excuse me, Miss, but I think you dropped this,” as he hands you the produce bag you dropped, along with your jaw, when you first saw him. He smiles a crooked little smile at you, and you’re sunk.

In the first instance, you felt lust that went into “what a jerk” mode. In the second example, you may go out with this guy and fall in love with him. But, in either case, your first response, all the sweating and beating heart stuff, was lust.

How to Make a Man Fall in Love With You | Apply the Science

You’re anxious to discover how to make Adonis fall in love with you. I get it. That’s what the book is about! You’ll discover how men react to different stimuli and how to prepare yourself to meet Mr. Right.

I know women who’ve met their husbands while pumping gas, at grocery stores, gyms, and charity events. Mr. Right could be anywhere, and the rest of this book is about how to prepare yourself before you leave your house, to meet him, and what to do once he’s in your sights. This stuff gets very exciting and will increase your odds dramatically as you rule the night!

The Rest is History

The book walks you through exactly what you should do once you set your sights on a great guy. You’ll learn the science behind each recommended action and which steps you should take to gain and keep his attention.

Click the links below to get your copy!

Do you have your Night Moves down? Are you ready to go out and get a guy to fall for you, using science and not trickery? If so, this is the book for you! I’ve done the research, and you get to benefit. Here are the steps you can take, whether you’re headed out on a first date or going out with your friends to look for men. The science behind attraction is just a few clicks away!

Here are just a couple of things you’ll learn inside this best-seller:

  • Red lipstick is magical when it comes to attraction…learn why inside
  • Looking at a guy, looking away, and then looking back with the right timing sends a clear signal…but what signal? Learn inside the book
  • You can get a guy to feel like he’s falling for you with a few subtle movements. Learn what they are in this book!

Read more about this book or click one of the buttons below to buy it now.

These Things are Killing Your Chances of Meeting a Man!

These Things are Killing Your Chances of Meeting a Man!

The task of meeting a man can feel overwhelming if you feel like you’ve been there and done that time and time again. If that’s how you feel, I have some good news for you today! Chances are excellent that there’s a good man out there just waiting for you to come into his life, but there are a few things you might want to change first.

Understand That Meeting a Man Takes Time

This is where television, romance novels, and movies don’t do love a service. Your great guy isn’t just going to show up with a glass slipper that fits only you. He’s not going to bump into you at the airport and sweep you off your feet or swoop in to rescue you from your evil mother.

Meeting a man takes time and energy. Women write to me often telling me they can’t find a guy. When I ask them how much time they put into it during an average week, I often get an answer like “Ohh, I go out with my friends on Saturday nights.”

Two or three hours a week isn’t going to help you find a great guy, especially if you’re huddled around your friends the entire time you’re out.

There are opportunities to meet great men everywhere, you just aren’t looking. When you go to church, sit next to a single guy. Join Meetup groups of people with similar interests to yours. Volunteer for causes that are important to you.

If you’re comfortable with it, you can try online dating. I have two great resources to help you with that here and here.

Change Your False Beliefs about Dating

Whether you realize it or not, you have a dating attitude and there’s a chance that if you’re having trouble meeting a man, it might not be the right attitude.

There are No Good Men Left

Women say this all the time and while it might feel like this is the case, the truth is that there are great men everywhere. Sure, the older you get, the smaller the potential pool of great men, but there are great men available.

The problem with this attitude, other than preventing you from seriously looking, is that men can smell it a mile away. When you think this way, what you’re thinking is that all the available men are bad.

This type of belief allows you to limit your belief in the possibilities that exist around you. You have a jaded view of every man you see, suspect of his intentions.

There are other ways women express this attitude:

  • All men are jerks
  • Men cheat
  • All men are liars
  • Men act like babies
  • Even a good man will let you down eventually
  • All the good men are taken
  • The men available now are all losers

If you date a guy, you’ll automatically dismiss him as having one of those flaws without really giving yourself time to get to know him.

Often, what’s really at play is a fear of rejection or abandonment. Instead of giving another man time to reject you, you reject him.

meeting a man

He’s Not Perfect, I’ll Pass

When you see a guy you like, you suddenly find his flaws. He’s too tall, too short, his hair is too gray, he’s too fat, too thin, you suddenly don’t like men with mustaches and his choice of music is lacking.

The real problem with these reasons for rejection is that they aren’t fundamental to a great relationship. They’re superficial and you’re using them as excuses to protect your heart.

The next time you’re checking out a potential suitor, look for things that speak to his character and values. This means spending a little time getting to know him instead of immediately rejecting him.

Meeting a Man | Commitment = Abandonment

People control their heartbreak by ending relationships too early. For some, a belief that all relationships will ultimately end forces a decision to break things off, especially if you’re traveling down a road that leads to more commitment.

Most likely, you’ve experienced more than one relationship that ended with your heartbreak. What you want is for just one guy to break through the walls you’ve erected and claim you as his. Of course, he missed this cue and retreats, following your lead and creating the very thing you fear – abandonment and rejection.

Something is Wrong with Me

With this mindset, you believe you’ll never find love because you’re flawed. Your self-talk goes something like this:

  • I’m too fat
  • I’m unlovable
  • My instincts can’t be trusted
  • I’m too old
  • I’m too successful
  • Men don’t find me attractive
  • I have nothing to offer a man
  • I don’t know what’s wrong with me
  • My kids will get in the way

You may use self-deprecating statements to drive a guy away or hide part of your past to create a reason to later bold from the relationship.

Women who believe these types of thoughts often either can’t relax, be real or truthful with a man, or they over-give as a way of gaining his love.

In this case, improving your self-confidence, self-esteem and self-worth will help you move past these negative beliefs. You can read more on that here.

You’re Going After the Wrong Type of Guy

You’ve dated the same guy over and over. All the men you date have similar looks, careers, or other traits. You might not even recognize it but it’s probably true.

The best way to determine what type of man is right for you is to tiptoe back through the men you’ve dated and look at their traits.

Get yourself a few sheets of paper, one for each guy, and make two columns, one for positive traits and one for negative traits. For each guy, write traits in each column. After you’ve gathered this first layer of data, go back through your sheets and make a list of all the positive traits, then all the negative traits.

Rank these traits by how important they are to you. They’re either important to have in a guy or things you want to avoid.

The guy who’s right for you has some positive traits and some negative traits. Be sure to choose men who have the important positive traits and lack the negative traits that you ranked as those to avoid.

If you choose online dating as an option for meeting a man, you can use this as a way to weed out the men who reach out.

True Love Doesn’t Really Exist

A great defense mechanism is to claim you believe true love doesn’t exist. By believing this, you’re creating a cynical and hopeless viewpoint about healthy relationships. It’s a great way to absolve yourself from taking the risk to find love.

This also sometimes comes across like this:

  • All men really just want to use women then spit them out and go after another
  • Needy people stay in relationships
  • Relationships are business deals where everyone gets what they want and then leaves
  • Lasting love only exists in the movies
  • People who claim they’re happy have really just settled
  • Those who claim to be in loving relationships have just compromised for the sake of the kids
  • The best I can hope for is a guy who…

Regardless of how much attention and caring a man shows you, you silently wonder what he really wants from you. It can’t be that he loves you for you because you aren’t good enough.

meeting a man

Meeting a Man | Love is Hard

The first thing I’ll say here is that yes, true love takes work, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Your real fear is getting too close to someone, only to have them hurt you or you fear you’ll hurt them. You might have suffered physical or verbal abuse in your past and the result was the type of pain you’re trying to avoid now.

Other statements that fit the love is hard theme include:

  • Love is too painful
  • The price you pay to love someone is too high
  • I’ll never find or get what I really want
  • I’ve seen people who are supposedly happy end up miserable and alone
  • Love = suffering
  • Breakups cause too much damage and you can’t recover
  • People in a relationship bring out the worst in one another
  • Relationships can be angry and explosive

This isn’t the Relationship

When you think this way, you believe that the relationship you’re in isn’t the relationship for you. You have a fantasy of what the ideal relationship looks like and this relationship doesn’t fit that fantasy.

You say things like:

  • He’s not the perfect guy for me
  • This doesn’t match my fantasy
  • This isn’t the way it’s supposed to be
  • He’s not my soulmate
  • He’s not my type
  • This guy isn’t good enough
  • There isn’t enough chemistry
  • We aren’t a good match
  • We want different things
  • I won’t settle for anything less than perfect
  • This isn’t what I expected love to look like

Set aside your fantasy and look at this guy from a different lens. Do your values match? How great is your chemistry? Do you want the same things?

Somewhere deep inside, you know that perfect doesn’t exist, so looking for it is just a way to again protect your heart. We’ve already talked about how there’s no perfect guy, but they’re also no perfect relationship.

Every relationship requires you to compromise and make sacrifices. In a good relationship, you’re equally willing to make those compromises and sacrifices for the good of the relationship.

Someone Has to Give Up Who They Are in a Relationship

When you hold onto this line of belief, you’re really afraid of either being smothered or smothering someone else. You fear creating what is called a co-dependent relationship where one partner completely takes over the needs and wants of the other.

This type of relationship leads you to believe that you can’t express your true wants and needs. You spend less and less time with your friends and slowly become less independent instead of doting on your relationship and your boyfriend.

Codependent relationships never work in the long haul.

You may also say to yourself:

  • I can’t be the real me in a relationship
  • It’s up to me to do all the work to keep this relationship going
  • I’m losing my identity in this relationship
  • I’m powerless in the relationship
  • He needs to be the man I want him to be
  • I need to avoid conflict
  • I need to sacrifice my needs instead of his

Adjust Your Mindset Before Meeting a Man

Stop Hating Your Single Life

Being single carries an unfortunate stigma that many people try to avoid. Back before women worked and were able to financially support themselves, a single woman was seen as a burden to society and one who was unworthy of love.

That spinster mentality died with feminism, fortunately, but the stigma of being single still lingers. Your mother, your aunt, and even your friends ask why you can’t find a good man. You hate being single because all your friends are dating great guys and you have nobody to do stuff with.

The problem with this is that you date from a position of desperation. You’ll date any guy just to prove you’re worthy and to stop the comments from friends and family. This is a horrible way to approach meeting a man.

Additionally, you come across as needy and confident men will avoid women who put off this vibe.

In this situation, you go all in and don’t give your guy a chance to chase you or be your hero. This makes the relationship boring for him and you.

meeting a man

End the Belief that a Man Will Make You Happy

Happiness doesn’t come and go with the men in your life. Oh, I know you’re sad when a guy leaves and you feel a higher level of happiness when you’re in a relationship, but that’s a false correlation.

We often get this one backward. People believe that to be happy, they must be in a relationship when in reality, to be in a fulfilling relationship, you must be happy first with the life you already have.

Looking for happiness in a relationship as the only source will always disappoint you in the long run because a relationship isn’t the fix for unhappiness.

When you’re happy with your life as a single woman, men are drawn to you and want to be part of your world. It’s like a big magnet for men.

Your Biological Clock is Ticking or Wanting Parental Support

Okay, so on some level, this might be true, but using this as a reason to seek a man is going about it in the wrong way. While you may be getting older, using this mindset puts you back into the position of desperation.

Do you know who seeks out desperate women? Players and losers, that’s who. Great men steer clear of desperate women.

The other part of this equation is if you have kids and you think they need a father figure. Again, you’re coming at this from a position of desperation. You can argue otherwise, but wanting someone to co-parent with you is not a good reason to find a guy. Meeting a man should be about finding someone to build a mutually supportive relationship with.

No guy wants to be in a relationship with you strictly to parent your kids. Looking for men who will make good fathers might be one thing to consider, but it shouldn’t be the only thing you look at.

Instead of wanting to find a father for your current or future children, step back and look for a guy who’s right for you. The rest will come. Be patient. By forcing the biological clock thing, you’re delaying things, not speeding them up and if you do find a guy with this mindset, the odds of long-term success aren’t in your favor.

You speed up the process of getting to the discussion about kids.

The process of getting to know one another takes time. Forcing the timeline will scare many men off.

Meeting a Man When You’re Too Independent

There’s a difference between being independent and being bossy. Men are attracted to independent women, but not when they use that independence to ramrod your agenda down his throat.

An independent woman often falls into the alpha woman category and those dating challenges are somewhat different.

You can learn more about successful alpha woman relationships here.

You Make a Man Your Hobby

This is another common relationship mistake, and it causes the demise of many otherwise great relationships.

This happens when you give up your hobbies and friendships to spend more time with your guy. Suddenly, he’s your only priority.

The best thing you can do for your relationship is to maintain all your hobbies and friendships. Continue going to Yoga class. Don’t stop those art lessons. Keep going out on girls’ night with your friends.

You’ll still have plenty of time to spend with your guy, so don’t worry about that. Even in a marriage, you don’t need to be with one another one hundred percent of the time. It’s unhealthy and unrealistic.

Personal growth occurs when you pursue those activities you love so much and friendships help keep you grounded and connected.

You’re the One Who’s Chasing

For men, dating is fun. Men enjoy the chase and uncovering the mystery that is you. If you chase him, you take that away from him.

Allow a man to chase you by being patient. He’s not going to answer your texts immediately so chill and find that hobby to work on.

Let him plan some of your dates and don’t overshare when you’re together. Let him learn about you slowly but steadily. If you plan fun dates, you’ll get to know one another naturally, not by force.

Learn how to keep a man interested.

Meeting a Man | You Slept with Him Too Soon

This is a big problem in relationships because it’s a signal of low confidence and possibly a sign that you’ve found yourself a player.

When your confidence is high, you don’t feel the need to sleep with a guy to keep him around. You understand that you have value and worth that goes beyond any sexual relationship. You make him earn his way into your bed by proving that he is worthy of you.

I see this same woman every time I go out with my friends. Not the exact same woman, but the type of woman. She’s dressed in clothes that are too revealing and she works too hard at flirting to make it look natural.

When you dress in clothing that’s too revealing, you send the signal that you don’t believe you have anything to offer a man other than your body. Additionally, you leave a guy no mystery. Men like to wonder what’s beneath your blouse, and their imaginations do a good enough job until they get to know you.

What can you do if you sleep with a guy you like too soon?

meeting a man

The Secret to Meeting A Man | Date Like a Man

Okay so maybe it doesn’t make sense that the secret to meeting a man is to date like a man, but allow me to explain.

I just eluded to the fact that men date for fun. Men love mystery and challenge in their relationships, and not just early in the relationship but throughout, but that’s for another conversation.

Right now, I want to explain what it means to date like a man.

The standard first date is high pressure for a few reasons:

  • It’s usually a formal dinner date
  • Your expectations are too high
  • You’re hinging too much of yourself on the outcome

Let’s take them one at a time.

Plan Fun Dates

Dinner dates are fine for date nights with your partner after you’ve gotten to know one another, but they make for horrible first dates.

The pressure to hold a conversation together is too great and the environment is intimidating.

Instead of dinner, plan an adventure, or at least a date where you’re doing something other than staring at one another across water glasses.

  • Go hiking in a public place
  • Try a local rock-climbing wall
  • Go bowling or putt-putt golfing
  • Visit a zoo or other local venue
  • Take a cooking class together

These ideas are just starters or examples of the fun things you can do. On these dates, you get to see how you each react to different situations. The pressure to hold a conversation is lower because you’re too busy having fun.

The trick is not to be afraid of embarrassing yourself. So you throw a gutter ball or three. Who cares? He’ll be studying how you handle that, rather than judging you for it. Laugh it off and try again.

If you learn you share a common interest, go on a date where you can explore that commonality.

The point is not to put too much pressure on those first dates. You’re not exclusive and shouldn’t be until you know him better. You’re just trying each other on for size to see whether you want to keep dating.

If you don’t, no sweat! Move on and try again.

Try to Focus Less on the Result

When you go on a first date, you’re already sizing him up to see if you want to marry him. That’s way too much to put on a first, second, or even fifth date. You’re focusing on the result of the relationship, rather than focusing on building a lasting relationship.

It takes time to get to know someone and forcing that doesn’t do anyone any good. Additionally, you start taking note of all the things he does to validate your opinion that he’s just the guy for you.

I call these milestones:

  • He held my hand
  • He kissed me
  • We had sex
  • He invited me to meet his family
  • I got to meet his best friend
  • We took a trip together

For a guy, these are just ways to have fun with you. He’s not kissing you for the first time because he wants to marry you. He acted out of impulse because he felt attracted to you, but that doesn’t mean he wants to marry you.

Men are clueless about these milestones so you keeping track of them is fruitless. Instead, focus on getting to know him. Experience different things together and learn about him that way. Take the marriage pressure off and just enjoy dating.

Act Like a Guy

There’s this thing I like to call man mode. Man mode is your ultimate tool in finding and keeping a great guy. It goes something like this.

When you think a guy is about to do something, you do it first. For example, if your guy wants to go hang out with his friends…again, you go first, looking extra hot and making sure he sees you. You’re effectively diminishing his odds of having fun because he’ll be worried about what men you might see while you’re out and whether you’ll find them more interesting than him.

Another example is managing an argument. While your instinct is to stay and fight it out, a man would rather retreat and figure things out first, so that’s what you do…first. You say something like, “Ya’ know Gregg, I think I’m going to head to the gym for a while. I’ll be back later.” He was thinking the same thing, but he didn’t know how to approach it without making you angrier. You beat him to it and now, he’s scratching his head wondering what just happened.

In both those instances, you’ve turned the tables on your guy without playing games or tricks on him. He can respond to these actions because it’s how he and his guy friends interact.

Meeting a Man

Meeting a man is more than going out on a Saturday night with your friends. It’s about having fun, adopting the right mindset, and dispelling the many myths about finding great men.

But the best key to meeting a man is building your confidence. Great men are attracted to confident women. When you’re confident, you give yourself the best chance of meeting a confident man who will treat you well.

I encourage you to take what you’ve learned here and determine which of the roadblocks might be standing in your way. Then, kick that roadblock down, once and for all, and get out there. Have fun meeting a man who will treat you like a queen!

Knowing how to not date a jerk includes embracing your single life and taking the time to become a confident, independent woman. Riding Solo, a book written specifically for women who want to do just that, walks you through overcoming the stigma of being single on to becoming that independent, confident woman. This places you in the best possible position to find and date wonderful, great men who are not jerks.

The Top 9 Reasons to Try Online Dating

The Top 9 Reasons to Try Online Dating

Are you having trouble finding a good match? Do you want multiple men lined up at your door, just to have a chance to meet you? Would you like to pick out the perfect guy for you from a gigantic pool of men? Then maybe it’s time to try online dating! Kirbie here. And no, I haven’t lost my mind. If the thought of online dating makes you shudder, think again.

Learn Gregg’s latest online dating secrets HERE!

According to, 49,250,000 single people in the US have dipped their toes in the online dating pool this year. That’s a big pool. And more than half of them are men! According to Gregg Michaelsen, Boston’s top dating coach and best selling author, it’s “the way of the world.” So keep an open mind, and keep reading to learn more.

The 9 Advantages of Online Dating

Chances are you know at least one person married to or in a committed relationship with someone they met online. Honestly, I can name quite a few! But if that’s not enough, and you still need convincing, here are the top nine reasons to try online dating.

  1. On many sites, men outnumber women by four to one. That’s why some sites are FREE to women.
  1. Online dating gives you options and the power to date multiple men. You can easily fill your bucket with as many fish as you want. If he is wrong for you, toss him back in the pool. If he’s a great catch — keep him!
  1. With online dating you can experiment and meet different types of men than those you normally gravitate towards. You may surprise yourself, and fall for someone you would not have considered before, but someone perfect for you.
  1. Get a boost in confidence by having multiple options, and multiple men telling you how awesome you are! And if one guy happens to not take interest, it’s no biggie. You have backups waiting in the wings.
  1. It’s just a date. One of many. Both of you know you are just testing the waters with each other, so there’s no pressure (and no settling out of desperation).
  1. With online dating you can learn what attracts you and what you really value in a man. You will also learn what turns you off, and what you don’t want in a man. If your date turns out to be a jerk, you can excuse yourself, and block him from contacting you again.
  1. Online dating keeps you busy, and at the least, you get to go out and have a good meal. And if it’s not a love match, you might still make a new friend.
  2. Guys crave a challenge. With online dating, you become instantly more attractive and desirable because men know they have to compete to win your heart (think The Bachelorette). You become the bait!
  1. When men compete, they are forced to step up their game. Need I say more?

Now that you’re in the know, why not give online dating a try? After all, there’s nothing to lose if it doesn’t work out — and a lot to gain if it does!

The Beginner’s Guide To Online Dating

The Beginner’s Guide To Online Dating

Online Dating 101 for Women

If I had a dollar for every person I’ve met who found their perfect match online, I could buy myself a cute pair of Jimmy Choo sling-back pumps, and I wouldn’t be the only one with a new pair of shoes.

According to a recent survey by the Pew Research Center, online dating is more popular now than ever before.

A whopping 41% of American adults say they know someone who uses online dating, while 29% know someone who has married or entered a long-term relationship with someone they met online.

It doesn’t hurt that most of the people who use online dating sites in the US are well educated and fairly affluent.

Face it, online dating works, and there is proven research to back it up.  It’s a great tool for meeting new people, and there really is no reason to shy away from this proven method of dating.

Think of it this way, while there are just a handful of potential boyfriends at any given bar or bookstore coffee shop, there are endless possibilities in the cyber dating world.

You can have your pick of men online, and you can bet your confidence will sky rocket when you see just how many guys are into you!

Sounds wonderful, right? But, it still doesn’t change the fact that online dating can be scary and intimidating, especially for the beginner. Knowledge is power, and this helpful Beginner’s Guide to Online Dating can equip you with the information you need to get started on this modern path to love.

Online Dating 101 – Profile

There are many online dating sites to choose from, and it’s up to you to determine which one is the best fit for you. Once you do, it’s time to set up your profile. You want to put your best foot forward, but you may not have a clue how. Here are seven helpful tips and smart rules to follow.

  1. The Photo Dilemma: Sorry ladies, that selfie of you with the giant eyes and pouty duck lips (that got so many likes on Facebook) is not going to cut it. Try to avoid crazy angles that distort your features. Yes, you want a photo that makes you feel beautiful, but if he can’t recognize you when you finally meet, it’s false advertising. Instead, choose a great photo of yourself that actually looks like you, and showcases your awesome personality.
  1. TMI (Too Much Information!): Don’t reveal too much about yourself. Write what you would feel comfortable sharing with a guy you just met at a bar. You wouldn’t empty the contents of your purse on the bar top, so don’t do it online. Give a little something to pique his interest without over sharing. Guys like a little mystery, and besides, you still have no idea what kind of guy he is, so why should he know all about you?
  1. Good To Know: With that said, there is certain information you may want to mention in your profile, like favorite movies, bands, and books, or your interests and hobbies. After all, you want to meet someone you are compatible with, and having these things in common will give you something interesting to talk about on your first date. Write about things you would want your ideal date to respond to.
  1. Keep Your Options Open: You’ve probably heard the old adage, “Don’t put all your eggs into one basket.” It’s been around for a long time, but it is still good advice today. When it comes to online dating, you can’t pin all your future hopes and dreams on one person you’ve just met. He may seem like the perfect guy right from the start, but things don’t always work out in the end. It’s best to line up a few dates and narrow the field as things progress.
  1. Let It Go: If you find yourself just not feeling it, don’t be afraid to walk away. After a few emails back and forth, you should feel some sort of connection. He may be a really nice guy, but if he’s not for you, it’s OK to bow out and stop corresponding with him. You may even find yourself needing a break from dating altogether, and that’s fine too. Sometimes a few weeks are all you need to come back refreshed and ready to try again. Yes, there are duds out there, but there are extraordinary men as well. So do what you need to do, but don’t get discouraged.
  1. Meet Cute (and Safe!): If you do find someone you really hit it off with online, there will come a time to meet face to face. This prospect can be both exciting, and horrifying! He may be a wonderful man, but you need to be safe. Always meet in a public place! This cannot be stressed enough. If he really is the wonderful man you think he is, he will understand.
  1. Hello, Goodbye: If the date just isn’t what you expected, don’t be afraid to call it short. Maybe the sparks you had online just aren’t there in person, or maybe you really just aren’t a good match. And that’s okay. Not every guy you meet is going to be your soul mate. But remember, it only takes ONE. Online dating does work, but it is a process — so be patient.

Is Mr. Right out there, floating on a cloud somewhere, just waiting for you to come along? You’ll never know if you don’t give online dating a try!

Taking Personal Responsibility to Find Love in 2016!

Taking Personal Responsibility to Find Love in 2016!

I have decided to make 2016 the year for taking personal responsibility! Here’s the thing, though. I need you to join me! It’s never fun to do something like this alone. Just so you know how committed I am to dragging you along, let me show you what I did! I wrapped my truck! Can you believe it? I can’t believe the response I’ve gotten! I park at the mall and when I come out, someone is always waiting to talk to me! Of course, my guy friends are giving me all kinds of crap for it, but I can take it! But, I digress… Big things are in store for us in 2016, I hope you are as excited about this New Year as I am! This is your year to stop the insanity! No more excuses! It’s time to find love – find that one great partner! Are you ready? No? Well, get ready because I’m about to get tough! (And I don’t get tough often!) You need to make a decision. Do you want to find love or not? I mean really – you have all the tools. I have twelve of the best books on the market covering almost everything you need to know. So why are you not applying my tactics? Nevermind, I know…
  • “Gregg, it’s hard.”
  • “I don’t have the time.”
  • “Online dating sucks, they are all creeps.”
  • “I’m overweight so I never get chosen.”
Excuses! All of them! I have a close friend, Peter, who can’t lose weight. I usually stay out of “Gregg the life coach mode”, with my close friends unless they ask but I stepped in the poo last week. Peter is 40 pounds overweight and complains daily about how the gym sucks. He tried another gym and he said the same thing to me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I said, “Peter, it’s not the gyms – it’s you. The gym is just a big space with weights and machines which just sit there. They have no personality. You need to do something with them. The refrigerator is very similar – a machine that you need to stock with foods which will keep you thin – but you need to stock it with food which will keep you thin!” Yeah, I pissed him off – wasn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last. But do you understand my message? I am holding you accountable this year! I want you to find love, but you need to give it more than just a half-ass effort. Online dating doesn’t suck if you know what you are doing.
  • Are you screening multiple guys as I describe in Love is in The Mouse?
  • Are you asking the right questions?
  • Are you rotating your pics and visiting the site every day so you stay at the top?
  • Are you casting your net wide?
  • Are you presenting your best side, both with your profile and your pics?
  • Did you take my confidence course before you started dating?
If you are doing these things for real then you are tossing out the losers, the couch potatoes and the users! If you are committing to yourself and absorbing my information, then you are having success – you have no choice. The quality guys are there, but they need to see you. You need to rise above the others. One of the biggest issues I’m seeing over and over is women are picking and hanging onto the wrong guy! STOP IT! As a single woman who follows my advice, you are surrounding yourself with several men. This helps you avoid falling into a dangerous trap. When you only date one guy at a time, you can immediately latch onto him, thinking he should return the favor. The problem is, he shouldn’t, and why would he anyway? You don’t know enough about him or vice versa. You don’t know if he is emotionally available, dating and totally getting into someone else, or what’s going on in his life which may make him a wet kitten – all things which make him a wrong guy for you. When a guy isn’t right for you, don’t take it personally, be glad you found out before too much time has passed. Timing is everything. This same thing applies to ex-boyfriends and husbands. If he won’t deal with his alcoholism, hasn’t supported himself for the last 12 years, and/or isn’t divorced yet, lose him! I don’t care if his penis is twelve feet long, you need to lose him and find the man who is right for you. I say these things because I care for you. We need to step up – all of us! This includes me, in fact let’s make a promise to each other to try harder in 2016.  I am setting new goals and I am going to be there for more of you, more often, with the advice and the motivation you need, but you need to do your part. You need to absorb this information and apply it! Deal? Awesome! Hopefully, I am helping you today or maybe, like my friend, Peter, I am pissing you off – that’s your decision to make but my heart is in the right place. Gregg…your Drill Sergeant. P.S. If you see me in my truck in the Boston area, (above) give a shout out and say “Hi!”
A Girl Walks into a Bar…How to Navigate the Bar Scene

A Girl Walks into a Bar…How to Navigate the Bar Scene

Let’s talk about navigating the bar scene. I was never a big fan of the bar scene. There were always too many people crammed into a small, smoky space and the noise made it impossible to have a decent conversation.

Any time a guy would approach me, he would be shouting cheesy pick up lines and I would inevitably get squished and bumped as I struggled to keep my drink from spilling.

Then, when I’d hit the dance floor, it always ended with me sandwiched between two creeps as I struggled to break free from my “Nightmare” at the Roxbury. I’m probably dating myself here by referencing a silly movie from the 90s, but back then, that was pretty much how it was.

If you wanted to meet men, you suffered through the sandwich dancing, the crowds, the noise and the spilled drinks. If you were smart, you kept a fake wedding ring in your pocket for emergencies — sorry, married.

Today’s Bar Scene

Fast forward almost 20 years and boy have times changed! Sure, you’ll find the occasional rowdy dive, but for the most part, bars have grown up.

They are stylish and hip with room to breathe, designed with talking and mingling in mind. But, while the atmosphere has changed for the better, guys sadly remain the same. It’s finally time to face the facts ladies.

Most guys who frequent bars want one thing, and you know what it is! The worst thing of all is they know how to get it. It’s scary, really — like being in a shark tank where he’s the predator and you’re the prey. You’ve been warned.

Plenty of (Good) Fish

What’s a single girl to do? Well, there are plenty of good fish in the sea – swimming around with those sharks. Bars are a great place to meet new people, but how do you avoid the sharks and find that good guy that’s worth dating?

If you’ve read any of Gregg Michaelsen’s best dating books, you have learned how to be in charge. You are a confident, quality woman who can have her pick of men so choose wisely.

Learn to identify the real men from the predators and just keep swimming! Sharks are masters of conversation. They are confident. They come right up to you and ask you a lot of questions to make you believe they are interested in you as a person.

They are charming and exciting and turn your brain to mush. They do everything right — but they are not authentic. They are pros.

Navigate the Bar Scene Wisely

Think about it. A guy who is that impressive — who knows how to look and act just right — has probably had a lot of practice. On the other hand, the guy who is nervous and stumbles over his words fails to impress because he does not do this often. He’s authentic. Same thing applies to the guy who ignores you. He probably wants to come over but is too afraid.

Ditch the shark, and give this guy a chance! Talk to him for a while and see what happens. He might be perfect for you once he’s comfortable and you get to know him better.

Catching Mr. Right

Now that you know how to weed out the sharks, how do you find those good guys that are worth dating? They are out there, but they may not approach you, and they may not be immediately obvious either.

Maybe they are playing pool, or sitting at the bar with their buddies, but they notice you. They are just too nervous to approach you.

If you notice a guy who catches your attention and seems authentic watching you from across the room, don’t be afraid to make contact. It could be as simple as getting up and walking past his table, or following him up to the bar.

As you pass, throw in a glance and a smile. Make eye contact. Make it easy for him to approach you without fear of being humiliated. Keep this in mind – men don’t always pick up on non-verbal cues so if he’s still not catching on, don’t give up.

He is interested, but he may need an extra dose of confidence. Make it easy and make the first move. Approach him and strike up a conversation. If you’re not comfortable with that, just wave him over! Chances are, with encouragement from you, he will come.

Now that you know how to tell the good guys from the bad, you should be able to navigate the bar scene. Beat it sharks — it’s only smooth sailing from here in the dating pool!

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