Things Women Do That Drive Men C-R-A-Z-Y!

Things Women Do That Drive Men C-R-A-Z-Y!

We focus a lot on what men do that drive you crazy. Today we are focusing on things women do that drive men crazy!

I get it. We drive you nuts. But, I have to say that there are also things that we men wish you would understand about how we’re wired. I put together a little (okay not so little) list of things women do that drive men crazy. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Things Women Do that Drive Men Crazy

You act coy

Women have this one nailed. You seem to want us to guess whether or not you like us and want to keep going out. Well, first of all, we graduated high school a while ago, so we’re not going to go ask Don to go talk to Linda to see if you told her that you liked us.

Just tell us, we can take it, and we’d rather know that you’re not interested up front or not so we can move on. If we like you, we show you.

You always want to know what we’re thinking

It’s like you have a crystal ball! And, I’ll admit, most of the time you are right.

Come on, you know you’ve asked your guy this “What are you thinking?” – Probably even after sex or some romantic movie or some equally high emotion moment. I’ll save you the mystery – we’re gonna say “nothing”, and we’re probably going to mean it.

Spend more time watching our actions – sometimes we just aren’t really thinking anything, but when we do something that pleases you, we are showing you that we care.

things women do that drive men crazy

Let us have “me” time

Before we met you, we had hobbies. We golfed, hunted, played soccer, or had a wood shop that we loved to retreat to, but once we started dating you, we had to stop doing those things that make us who we are.

Let us keep playing golf, go hunting with our buddies, or whatever other hobbies we have and we will be better able to give you the time and attention you want.

You have double standards

This goes along with the next one (You see us as projects). You know the drill – we’re going to go out on a date, we ask you what you want to do, and you say…..come on, you know what you say! “I don’t care, you pick.”

So, after some verbal wrangling, we finally pick the latest sci-fi movie. Later, you make it clear that you didn’t enjoy one moment of that movie and you didn’t want to see it. THEN TELL US BEFORE WE GO! If you ask us to pick, then you should be happy with the result.

If you really wanted to pick the movie all along, then say so. We can sit through another Brad Pitt movie if it makes you happy.

You see us as projects that need fixing – “if he could only…”

I know you don’t believe this, but we got along quite nicely before you came along. We’re not perfect, but we’ve settled into our imperfections and we get by. We probably even know what those imperfections are.

If we want to change, we will, and we might, if we see that there is a good reason. You forcing us to do so will create resentment, and we will probably slingshot right back into our old, comfortable habits anyway.

We aren’t men out of a hot steamy romance novel

We are not that hot hunk with an airbrushed six-pack set of abs on the cover of the latest romance novel. We don’t know just how to please you or when to say the right things and we will probably struggle to remember your birthday. Let us be real men with our own romantic gestures. We’ve got ‘em!

Stay focused more in the here and now

Men don’t like to focus too far into the future, but women are always looking at the next landmark – getting engaged, getting married, etc. Enjoy the here and now with us and the future will take care of itself.

Keep your emotions in check

We get derailed by tears – if we continue to try to push our side, we’re being a bully, if we cave in to the emotions, we are being weak. If we need to talk to you about something, we need you to stay with the conversation and not manipulate us with tears.

Be a little less critical

For some reason, women tend to be critical creatures, while men tend to want to watch sports and basically be left alone. If you want to criticize, call your girlfriends and have at it, but we’re just not interested.

We like to hear compliments too

things women do that drive men crazy

“Honey, that suit makes you look very professional” or “boy I love those jeans on you” goes a long way with us, just like it does with you. We like to hear compliments, and we aren’t always so sure of ourselves, just like you. Don’t forget to let us know you think we’re hot.

We are brutally honest when we care

We’re not going to blow smoke up your skirt unless we really don’t give a hoot. If we’re being painfully honest, we really do care about you and want to talk about it. You might not like our directness, but that’s how we’re wired. Please keep in mind to keep your emotions in check from above too!

We like you because you’re women

We like that you smell nice and like to look pretty. Don’t let the feminist movement take all of the female out of you. Sure, if we’re out on a hike or taking a bike ride, we don’t expect you to be all frilly and prim, but don’t be afraid to smell and look like a woman sometimes too!

Take charge in the bedroom

We really want to please you, but we’re not likely to ask how, so you have to tell us…we’re waiting for you to guide us. It doesn’t matter how old we are, each woman is different and what has worked before might drive you crazy, and we might be leaving out something that you really, really like. TELL US!

Give us credit when we deserve it

You women tend to hang onto every little mistake we make and forget to acknowledge the big things we do – after all, we fixed your washing machine last weekend, was not putting the lid on the toothpaste that big of a deal?

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