He's Gone Now What
Survival TacticsThank you for purchasing He’s Gone, Now What? I am so excited to guide you on your journey to healing from you breakup! Please use these downloads for the Survival Tactics in the book to help you on your way.

“I CAN!” 8-1/2 x 11 Printable Sign
Survival Tactic #3 Turning Negative Thoughts Positive Worksheet
Survival Tactic #4
Survival Tactic #5
Survival Tactic #9
The Relationship Inventory
The Relationship Inventory Review
The Life Inventory
The Parent Inventory
Survival Tactic No. 12
Survival Tactic No. 13
Survival Tactic No. 14
Continue to Build Yourself
Your work inside this book is a great start! Learn more on building yourself here.
Build Yourself So He Will Come!
There is yet more you can do to build yourself! Sometimes life just delivers such a crushing blow that you need extra help to overcome it! I have developed an online course you can take at your own pace. Build Yourself so He Will Come at a discount by using this coupon code at checkout: “build”